2nd Amendment Foundation Lawsuit


I received a mailing from the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)regarding its intent to file lawsuits against cities that file suits against gun manufacturers, distributors, and merchants. The SAF views lawsuits against manufacturers as groundless actions which result in financial penalties to manufacturers of a legal product. The SAF obviously understands that these lawsuits are not about anything other than a leftist attempt to extort money from gun manufacturers and consumers. The SAF lawsuits will charge the cities with a "conspiracy to violate civil rights, abuse of process and undue burden on interstate commerce." The SAF is asking for donations (tax deductible)to help fund its effort. It appears to me that efforts to combat these new attacks on the gun industry may require significant resources as more governmental units smell "free money" and join the assault. (I heard on the radio this morning that the new Attorney General of the state in which I live, Michigan, is now considering a lawsuit against the gun industry. The fact that she is a graduate of the University of California at Berkley may explain why.) I think we need to get involved and support organizations like SAF, NRA, and Gun Owners of America when they indicate a willingness to fight back via the legal system. We can't show up in court to argue our case but we can help those who can argue it by helping financially. We can contribute now to help stop this latest attack on the 2nd amendment or pay later when we purchase a gun from those manufacturers who are able to survive. Check out the SAF website at http://saf.org. and help however you can.
And we do what we have discussed before:
If you live in the jurisdiction of one of these cities sueing, get some like-minded folks such as yourself and institute another suit against the city. Let them juggle multiple suits just like the gun companies. A multi-front assault!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
The Second Amendment Foundation is great - I've been contributing a bit of cash since I found out about them. Not nearly as high profile as the NRA, but a lot more highbrow. They have quietly put their money on the line, suing for gun owners rights while the NRA stood by posturing and compromising. I daresay that the NRA suit against the Justice Dept. (for keeping records from "instant" check) was influenced by the SAF's successes.

Bottom line: good group, give them money if you can.
The more I study, the more I think discressionary permits to carry OR own can be fought on "equal protection principles" versus a "pure 2nd amendment issue". The civil rights actions of the 60's and on has laid SUPERB groundwork for challenging discression, there's no trash like Miller floating about.

California's equal protection bit in the state constitution is particularly clear; please recall Calif. was the state that poineered the idea that whites could kill Asians with impunity, we were as bad as the deep south ever was.

So let's kill off the last remnant of those bad old days, in court.

Discressionary CCW must die.

Jim March