2D deer decoy?

Prof Young

New member
So I have a nice ground blind at the edge of corn field with woods all around. It's been there long enough that all the wild life ignore it. This year, I put a 2D deer decoy at the edge of the woods about ten yards from the ground blind. It is a large doe. Anyway, as I've sat in the blind this year, I see them see the decoy, and instead of coming to it they stay away. This is true of the does and bucks that have come into the field. So, I stashed the decoy, but haven't been back to the blind since then. All this to make my query:

Do deer decoys, in general, work?

Life is good.
Prof Young

P.S. Yeah this is during bow season, and TFL is a gun forum, but I was packing my CC and it is about hunting so . . . :-)
My luck with deer decoys is about what it is with turkey decoys. Some will run towards them, others will run the other way and some are indifferent. Seems the mood of the animal and how much exposure it has had to decoys relates to how well the decoys work. With both turkeys and deer, I have better luck with 3-D decoys and if they move, even the slightest bit....that much better. A white rag tied to the tail of a deer decoy that flutters in the wind works well.

With deer decoys, I generally set them up so the deer have to approach them from downwind. Deer will generally circle to get scent first before approaching. Decoys without movement, unless stuck way out in the open are hard for deer to discern, one reason they come close to us if we don't move. I've found that besides the tail movement, that antlers tend to tell other deer that the decoy, is in fact, another deer and not just a clump of grass/brush.
Anything 2D is a picture, most likely a target, not a decoy. The other deer stay away because they don't know what that thing is.
3D decoys(they're sold as archery targets too) can work, assuming such things are legal where to you are.
"...A white rag tied to the tail of a deer decoy that flutters..." Anything white that moves is Bambi's International Distress signal. As in Bambi's tail flashing as he runs away.

My Dad tried a slim, 2D type decoy for awhile, he said deer ran from it. But I have seen mature bucks come a long distance to does in the open of ROW's and ag fields, to not dismiss the possibility that a deer deke could work in the right circumstances.
Anything white that moves is Bambi's International Distress signal. As in Bambi's tail flashing as he runs away.

Not true. Does will carry their rail raised and at an angle when they are looking to breed. Deer when encountering each other will wag their tails like a dog as a sign of non-aggression. They also flick their tail while feeding and displays calm, like the subtle clucking of a feeding turkey. Flagging when alarmed is only one type of communication and is used in different stages. Knowing how to read a deer's tail can mean the difference between getting a shot or not. Same goes for their ear movement. I have actually called unalarmed deer from across the field by imitating ear and tail flicks using just my hands.
I tried using a deer decoy a couple times. As deer came in view of the decoy be it a Buck or a Doe they stopped and stiff legged pounded the ground where they stood with their front legs. And too some ways away from the decoy and eventually that animal left for a time. A short time latter both Doe tried again to access the field at a different angle/positioning. I haven't set out that $100.00 plus decoy since.
I'm pretty sure if a hunter sprayed high & low their field of view with a cheap pump-up garden sprayer filled with a Qt. of apple cider that individual is bound to have success if he's minding wind direction and his stealthiness.