29 degrees, but no rain! Melt some lead!

-4 actual here, just a touch under my comfort level for casting :eek:
Got some new brass to prep though... INSIDE.
it seems my casting cut off point is about 5F
i cant keep the tools warm enough below that
ill shoot at -10F but no casting :cool:
I chose the 45-270-SAA mold today, because it's big and holds lots of heat, and because I'm low on .45s. ;)


This is 13 pounds of em. ('should be about 325 of em, by weight)
'Don't look like much, but that's all I could stand. That North wind was blowing right straight into my ear.
(I cast out in my yard). At least I got a little casting done and that scratched my itch for today.:cool:

I haven't weighed any, but they drop at .4535
I believe they are supposed to weigh around 280gr. but I'll weigh some after lubing. The alloy is 90% pure, with 8%WW and 2% tin. They need to be soft, because my Peacemaker ain't gonna be pushin' em all that fast. :)
They were poured mostly at 730 degrees, or as close as I could keep it.
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Ready to go! The wind was blowing and time ran short, so no PC today. I am running these through the sizer with some CR tonight. It's time to load!!! :D
Beagle, hope you have better luck than I did. I cast some 454190 HPs of very soft lead, loaded them to saami SAA specs and shot with my 4.75' Colt into gallon jugs of water with very little deformation.
Salvadore, you may well be right. The HP could be a waste of time... but I only got the Peacemaker right now.

One of these sweet days I'll have a Bisely BH to push em through..... but funds prohibit that at the present. :)
Just for kicks and grins I plugged some numbers into the calculator Bumpo put up. I use a hundred pound ratio to keep it simple for me, it's still early. I came up with the following,

Pure Lead=97.7%
Total Weight=100.0#
Est. Hardness=9.4 BHN

If your alloy is remotely close to this you should see some fair expansion if your loading to the range of 850-950 FPS. I typically run mine in the mid to upper 900fps range using my alloy and it runs in the 10.5 BHN range.

Below left is the 270 SAA poured from my alloy,

This is the write up I did on it as well,
Pouring HP's and Learning to Blend Alloy's.

Your on the right track, now get out there and burn some powder man, you can't keep that thing all nice and new forever, soot it up for peat sake.:D
In my backyard. I live in the country. The nearest range is in the National Forest, 20 miles away, and it's pretty much just a yahoo free-for-all there.
The plus side to shooting here at home is.... I get all my wonderful lead back!:)
The BH should make all the difference B, I shoot a harder alloy bullet out of a rifle @ I don't really (1200/1400?) know but into gallon jugs of water it leaves all kinds of shattered bullet alloy and a .45 cal. collar button.
'Made another pile of em today! This may be one of the easiest casting molds that I have.
Odd, since it's a 4 cav HP, but they just rain out of this thing.:)

(heavy.... 280gr rain.);)
