28th Amendment to Bear Arms


New member
If the 2nd amendment was adversely interpreted and restricted by the courts, would there be enough gun friendly states and popular vote to pass a new amendment that more clearly defines the individuals right to bear arms ?
Interesting thought, but I doubt you'd get enough to get it off the ground, much less get it ratified, considering the mass media and politicians attitudes towards that.
Aren't there 38-40 states that now have concealed laws? What does it take, 70% of 50 is 35 ? Sounds to me there is enough states that support to get the job done.
The difficulty would relate more, I expect, to getting a decent amendment out of Congress, rather than getting it ratified. No way you could get a supermajority of both the House and Senate to sent to the states a decent 2nd amendment restoration amendment; They'd either fall short, or come up with something deliberately flawed.
don't open the box

open the box to start additional amendments and then await the onslaught of things that will get thrown out. RKBA issues might get on the list but many more chances of things we might not all like to see. One faction in the country is praying so they can force their agenda on all of us.
One faction in the country is praying so they can force their agenda on all of us.
You are correct one faction does pray and use the Govt to force change on everybody......the Religious right.

The other faction is Godless and souless and their God is Govt....but too uses Govt to force change on all of us.

(this is why we have the mess we have today..both sides are abusing Govt....and us)

I agree with toybox...dont open the box......I just dont trust either side with what they will do.
Both sides have proven time and time again that they cant "first, do no harm"