270 Win with 140 gn Nosler BT and H4350


New member
I currently stumbled into a good deal on quite a few 140 grain Nosler Ballistic Tips (about 200) in .277 and am working on cooking up some deer loads for my Ruger M77 MKII .270 Winchester. Currently the only powder I have on hand for rifle rounds is H4350. Checking the manuals isn't proving much luck, there's a bit of data on the 130 grain and 150 grain Nosler bullets but none on the 140 grainers. Anyone have a preferred load with H4350 or much experience with these? Noslers own manual hasn't proved much help. At the moment I'm seeing between 49.0 and 51.0 gns of powder as the mix.
Do you have a new Nosler reloading book? If not, the info you need should be available online at Nosler.

That powder should work just fine.
I do have it and they don't have any info for the 140 grain bullets with H4350 only the 150 grain ones. I can extrapolate and get a general idea but I was curious if anyone uses this set up that had a pet load they liked.
You probably already know this, but Hodgdonreloading.com has data for the 270 Winchester 140 Swift projectile using H4350. It will give you a starting point.
While in my “reading room”, I looked at the Nosler reloading book, which shows the 140 gr Nosler BT load range for IMR4350. They don’t show H4350. But, in the Hornady manual they show both powders with their 140 gr bullets. The powder load ranges of the two powders were very similar, particularly as loads approached maximum. So...if I was working up loads for my rifle, I’d start near the bottom, near minimum loads, and work my way up.
Steve's Reloading Pages
The load data from all sources is laid out in a usable format. It does not list specific projectiles, so click on .277 cal, select 270 Winchester, then 140 grain bullet. A page with many smokeless powders will appear and you can find H4350.
Again, this is all load data for a specific caliber, specific bullet weight, and whichever powder you want. Start low, work up carefully observing each round for pressure signs.