.270 win 130 grain power point

That's all my Dad ever used, and he never complained about it. If it shoots good in your rifle then it's all you will ever really need. I'll guess that most hand loaders don't use that bullet because it's old school and not too sexy, but it's really all a fellow needs for most hunting.
It really depends on how big the animal is, what internal structures it hits, and how far you are shooting from. Deer are thinner skinned than hogs and don't have nearly as tough of a shoulder as hogs do. That being said, I would expect most shots to exit the deer. With a hog under 150 lbs I would expect most to exit, anything larger and you will have some that won't.
Will it exit the aforementioned game?
Depends on the game and the shot and the bullet. I've seen a .270 win pass right through a buck and kill a second one behind it. 2 deer. 1 shot. I've seen consistent pass-throughs on Elk and other larger game. With the right load, you should have no problem having exits on large hogs and deer.

It's almost embarrassing to question the .270's power IMO. It'll harvest anything with a heartbeat, with the right load. I can't speak for the Power point specifically, as I don't have experience with that ammo, but I'm sure you could easily find a factory load in .270 that will fit your needs.

That combo has a large following and deserved reputation. The Power Point is W-W brand ammo, but as a general rule, the .270/130 combo from near anybody is thought of as an ideal deer rig.
I have a bunch of old WW 130 grain Silvertip factory loads my Dad left me. It was his exclusive 270 load. I figure to put them to work on deer and elk this year. I would guess they compare favorably to PowerPoints. O'Connor seemed to mention them a lot in his writing.

What do y'all think?
Shot thru the ribs without touching the shoulder plate. Lead tipped bullets more often than not will pass thru a deer at 100-yards or less. Don't have any experience with hogs. No doubt our gray wolves would eat'em before us hunters could.

I don't remember any .270, 130 grain bullet shot through the lungs that didn't exit. The most devastating one was a Ballistic Tip that blew a two-inch exit hole at about 50 yards.

Most folks I know who use factory .270s here in Maine tend to use Rem Core-Locts, either 130 or 150 grain. I've never shot 150s, preferring the flatter trajectory and often, quicker expansion of 130s.