I had a chance to squeeze two rounds of a co-worker (technically)'s .270 REM rifle, and it was AWESOME. smooth, controllable, powerful.
But at the moment ive been looking for a .308 bolt gun, my prime argument against .270 rem being that it was sort of still a uncommon round, but when i went out i saw it everywhere, fleetfarm, wallmart, galyans, most stores I looked.
So why not .270 rem?
but .308, man...its .308
But at the moment ive been looking for a .308 bolt gun, my prime argument against .270 rem being that it was sort of still a uncommon round, but when i went out i saw it everywhere, fleetfarm, wallmart, galyans, most stores I looked.
So why not .270 rem?
but .308, man...its .308