.270 Moose-Killer Load!


New member
The .270 Win, 140-grain Accubond, with 56.3 grains of Reloder 22 ripped into the 860 lb. bull's lungs at 290 paced yards, and it dropped into a small clearing, only 15 yards from the point it was shot off the haul road.

The bull was walking slowly toward a couple of cows we'd seen minutes earlier. Two other unseen bulls were heard, but never came to the road.

We sat for about a half-hour before legal shooting time, when we loaded up. The noise from three areas, as bulls thrashed and at least 6 moose chewed on branches...was a bit intimidating. I sat on my folding stool and held the rifle, left elbow on my knee. Fortunately it was a few minutes after legal shooting time when the bull appeared in the light fog. It looked like a silhouette target in a county fair shooting gallery, but he filled the woods road.

At the shot, it humped up and jumped forward, then thrashed on the ground for a few seconds before expiring, lungs greatly destroyed.

I don't hesitate to recommend the bullet for moose. (My load was zeroed at 200 yards, so held about 3" high and it hit pretty close to where intended to be. I under-estimated the range by about 50 yards.)


  • John's Moose-Killer .270.jpg
    John's Moose-Killer .270.jpg
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160gr Nosler Partition would do the trick also. Those will drop an elk, ought to work on moose with a properly placed shot. Those 160's are awesome.
"...160gr Nosler Partition would do the trick also..." So will a plain Jane 130 grain Speer Hot Cor SP.
Never mind the pictures. What time is dinner? snicker.
Got any dead Moose pictures to share?

Hey, great shooting, glad you got your Moose, and it reads as though you were able to plant your shot where you wanted it to go. Outstanding!

My Gun Club President calls his pre 64 M70 in 270 Win "Old Reliable". I am pretty sure he has gotten Elk and Moose with the thing. He is a good shot, (Master Class shooter) he places his bullet, and that works. What's not to like?:D
The attached picture shows (L-R) My son, his son, and Me.


  • Our moose 2017.jpg
    Our moose 2017.jpg
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Awesome job!! Hope you brought lots of ice!!! I was feeling so bad for everyone who had a hunt for this week with the temps in the mid 80's. So glad you were able to share this experience with your family. By the way, I am in the Rangeley area.
Picher, The moose herd in Maine seems to be in much better shape than here in NH, Congrats on a excellent moose, great picture of a nice healthy moose.
how long did it take you to field dress him, and did you quarter him in the field? He looks big! That's an awesome hunt with your family!
I've killed but one bull moose so I'm no expert at all. I hunted in Saskatchewan with my .308 Savage lever rifle shooting 180 grain core-lokt ammo. The bull was hit twice through the chest organs at a distance of approx 150 yards or so. I fired the second shot as quickly as I levered the action. The big moose (they're all big) trotted away about 50 yards and fell over.

Did a quick job on him, then put him on the trailer, packed in ice and booked it to the tagging station, then the meat cutter.

Thanks for the great comments!
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Nothing has killed more moose than 6,5x55 and 270 is close to that so it works

if i'm in a blind/stand i take the 6,5

Otherwise it is 9,3x62 or 358win when i want some walllop

It is mostly a question of scopes on the rifle/barrels irl
Congratulations guys! That's a nice picture, my own son is just 4 months old right now. I hope in years to come there will be pictures like this with us and my dad too. Looks like a great day. Long live the .270! When I started hunting in high school my parents got me a savage 111 .270 as my first gun. I've acquired other rifles over the last decade and a half, but still find myself reaching for that .270 more than anything else.