270 for elk


New member
Any of you guys out there use 270 Win for elk? I know it is a suitable round but have been trying to talk myself out of using one for a hunt coming up. I have a load with 150 Barnes TSX whipped up for it, should kill them just fine, right? All the guys going with me are using mags, ultras, blah, blah, nothing against them, they are exceptional elk cartridges I just dont have one :). Is the main limitation of using my 270 going to be effective range? Im thinking I wont shoot at one past 250?? 300? Who out there has taken elk with 270 and what were the ranges of the shots, the outcome, follow up shots necessary, terminal performance, distance game traveled before expiration, etc...Thanks guys
I was an elk guide for 9 years and have been in on the taking of @100 elk. I have seen about every caliber used including a 22 lr from a handgun. A 270 is a fine gun to @350 yards from my limited experence. I have killed 3 or 4 with the grand 270 WCF. I have seen about a dozen shot with a 270. I photographed an oldtimer with his old Winchester model 70 in 270 WCF, used to kill over 100 elk. So to put a fine point to it, yes the 270 is quite adequate for elk. I am extremely found of 150 grain
.270 is decent for for choice for elk, although not my 1st choice.
(I would use a 30-06 but that's just me)
IMHO - if you keep your shots round' 300 yards you should be fine.
Grandpa used my .270 WIN for elk ..... when it was his, and Ronald Reagan was President. Worked then, and without the bonded bullets or solid copper/guilding metal bullets we have today..... though I'd use a modern bullet if I went elk hunting.
You should be fine using your 270. You have picked a really good bullet and as long as you keep your shots within 300 yards you should not have any problems.

Good luck on you hunt, can't wait to see pictures of your elk!
When I was guiding elk hunters near Dubois, Wyoming (along time ago), we guides would fight over the clients who brought a .270. To a man, they could all shoot and weren't afraid of their gun. It ment less work for us.

Those hunters who showed up to camp with the newest an latest cannon were left to the guide who drew the short straw. Nearly all of them couldn't hit what they were shooting at because they were afraid of their gun. And besides, the guys with the really big guns usually had the really big egos.
My Uncle used a 270 and 130 grain bullets for moose because he didn't know it wasn't supposed to be enough gun. The moose didn't know any better either. I suspect Elk will be just as dumb.

I ever get the chnce, I will take my .270 and some sort of premo bullet, I have some 140 gr Failsafes put up for the off chance.
There are a plethera of outstanding bullets for the .270 win that are designed for bigger than deer game such as elk,,, Good Bullet+ Good Shooting= elk;)
I read one of DeerSlayer86 earlier post and I'm surprised that he asking about the 270 here his post


Join Date: October 4, 2011
Location: Tx
Posts: 89

Don't over do it
Unless you just really want a 300, I wouldn't get one. It's a good caliber but you just don't need that much gun. A 270 is a sufficient elk caliber. 308 is a good choice as well. But if you reall really want a mag, check out 7mm mag. But you really don't need anything bigger than that. But if you want a 300, get a 300.

I kind of figured he already hunted elk with a 270
:eek: Yup. Roped in by the old roper.;)
Oh Well. Déjà vu. Good time of the year for one like this anyways. (caliber/subject) :rolleyes:I'm in favor of a Magnum over a 270 myself for Elk. But to each their own._:)
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I'm in favor of a Magnum over a 270 myself for Elk. But to each their own._

I often wonder if these guys that make a bad shot with a magnum would have automatically made a good shot with something that didn't say magnum on the box. Somehow I doubt it.
When you hunt Elk somewhere, such as the Yellowstone park border in Wyoming, where an elk going a few feet past where you want can mean a lost animal, I'll take a Magnum... I like the 7mm Rem Mag, .300 & .338 Win Mag, and do truly favor the .300 and .340 Weatherby Mag rounds for this purpose... Any similar rounds also work well... There are some situations when power is warranted.. The problem with this power is that there are some who can't harness it and place their shots well...
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