26th FTX may be off.


New member
I just came back from the docs and he said I have a serious case of strep. So bad they are going to try to take them out on Monday, if the infection is down enough. At my age he said if I was back to 100% in a week, I would be very lucky. Maybe they can just knock it down and we cans till do it, and have them yanked the following week. I will keep you posted.

Sorry guys!
Dude, cancel the FTX. I'm serious. You don't screw with strep, and you don't screw with getting your tonsils out! I speak from experience on this one.

When I was 22 I came down with mono, which turned into strep, which turned into tonsilitis, and I finally had my tonsils out. It took 6 months of being horribly ill. The whole problem started when I just didn't quit what I was doing. I never took the time off to rest or heal. Instead I about killed myself. I took so many antibiotics during that period that I killed off all of the bacteria in my stomach. I dropped 40 lbs in just a few weeks. Strep can be a piece of cake if you let it go away, but if you push yourself you can die.

Put your feet up. Relax. I've got the entire season of Combat Missions on tape for you. I'll bring them over this week. :)
Yeah thats NS. We had a guy in the Marines that got strep, but being a hardass he didn't go to the doc. It settled in his kidneys and killed him.

It looks like the soonest they can yank them is sometime the first of May (the doc they wanted to use doesn't take my insurance. God I hate this crap) and so they have had to bump me to another doc. I'm sure it will be cleared up by then, they gave me some pretty serious antibiotics, so depending on how I feel on Tuesday we may still be on.

On the upside, I dont have to do the PT test in this crap, but it also means I dont get promoted tonight. oh well.
I can't make it.
My Mother In Law and Brother In Law have birthdays that day. I forgot all about it. If I don't show up for that! Hell Hath No Fury.
I'd be dead meat.