.257 Roberts


New member
This past summer, when ordering from a company, they sent me the wrong ammo. I wanted .30-06, they sent me .257 Roberts. And since I couldn't send it back, I'm stuck with it. After doing some reading and flipping through my Book of Cartridges, I'm starting to like the round. Is there anyone out there who has used the round, and could you please tell me what your experience was with it? My next problem is I can hardly find anybody that manufactures in .257 Roberts. The greater problem is I'm a damn Southpaw, so either need a semi-auto or southpaw bolt action. If anybody has seen such that would fit my needs, could you please let me know? Besides, what better excuse to buy a new rifle than "Honey, I have this ammo now, so now I just HAVE to buy the rifle! I can't just waste it! :)"

Zero tolerance = Zero intelligence
Someone else can help you on the Southpaw problem, but if you'll check the archives, you'll find a good bit of positive commentary on the Roberts.

:), Art

There are very few left-handed .257 Roberts rifles floating around. Remington was chambering their Mountain Rifle in this caliber (I think). If you want a left-handed Roberts, rebarelling a Remington 700 would be a pretty simple prospect. In fact, you should be able to get a rebarrel job done for less than $200. It's worth it, in my opinion. The .257 Roberts is my favorite small-bore rifle round. Good luck.

Curmudgeon In Training
Thanks, Mr. CIT,
I didn't think that there would be many left handed bolt actions in .257 Roberts (curses being a southpaw), but I figured I'd throw it out on the off chance that someone had actually seen one. I'd be just as happy with a semi-auto in .257 Roberts.
Please excuse my ignorance in gunsmithing, but what does rebarreling involve? Is that just swapping barrels, or does it involve taking a barrel of one caliber and reboring and rifling it to another caliber? Or does somebody make a custom brandy new barrel for it from scratch? Tweedledee the Wonder Dummy wonders. :)
Thanks for the tip on the Mountain Rifle, I'll have to check it out.

Zero tolerance = Zero intelligence
I'd echo MossyRock, though I wonder where in the heck he's getting complete rebarrels done for $200 or less. My understanding is you're paying about $150 for the barrel, and about $150 for the installation, cheapest. I may be wrong... who does it cheaper?

BTW, ESPECIALLY with the willingness of the ammo companies to load .257 in "+P" (which is just what it should have been loaded to-- they were simply under-loading it for a long time in deference to the large amount of weaker rifles that were chambered for it back when), and to load it in 117 and 120 grains (used to be only in 100 g. or maybe 87 grain), the .257 is my favorite small bore rifle. Bobcat through elk, and everything in between.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

I just blanked out. I wuz gonna say the .257 Roberts is the same case-head size as the .30-'06 family. My Alzheimer's hit.

Anyway, I think so. If correct, then, you find a beat up old Southpaw .243, .270, .308, '06 and the bolt will fit. So, while the gunsmith is fitting up the new barrel and getting the headspace just right, you can refinish the stock and have a good gun for the money.
Hmmm... You might be right on the rebarrel price; I haven't had a rebarrel job done in a few years. Check with E.R. Shaw in Pennsy. They will rebarrel a Remington 700 for cheaper than just about anyone I've seen. Gunwriter Jon Sundra swears buy them. They built a Siamese Mauser in 45-70 for me about 20 years ago, and it was a real peach! I don't have their price list handy, but they run a regular add in Shotgun News.

Curmudgeon In Training
Have you considered the ruger No. 1? According to the ruger catalog they offer the standard model in .257 roberts. I know its not a bolt action but it could be a solution to your left handed situation.