25-06 bullet selection for elk hunting


New member
I hunt elk with a 25-06... and am fully aware of how light the bullet is. For that reason I am both picky on ammo selection and accuracy and practice a few times throughout the off season.

I had a long time supply of Federal Premium all from the same production lot 117g Sierra Gameking BTSP bullet (P2506C), Ive taken a 3 elk with this 1 shot drops. I recovered the bullet on one elk and it was a perfect mushroom expansion even after passing thru the spine. That supply is about dry and I'm considering my options, But I trust that bullet based on my experience with it. This load is on the more expensive side of things is it worth sticking with or are there other options work taking on?

For elk I want the heaviest grain which seems to max out at 120g, but it seems there are very few companies offering selections in this load with a quality bullet. Alternatives I'm looking at are Hornandy 117g Interlock, Hornandy 117g SST, Winchester 120g "Positive Expanding Point", Federal Fusion 120g. Does anyone have any experience or opinion on these bullets?

Next, I actually took this project on a year ago and zeroed with the Hornandy 117g Interlock to see how it does... so I have practical experience with the Hornandy Interlock as I took an elk with that last year that was a lung shot that passed thru the animal at about 100yds, there was an exit wound yet I still recovered what appears to be the base half of the bullet... it did hit a rib on entry but it seems to have disintegrated. I dont like the way the bullet came apart so I'm uncertain if I want to continue use but 1 data point is not much to go on.

Lastly, ...and this is a long shot (pun intended) but are there any options in all copper bullets? The seem to max out at 100grains in my caliber, my questions there are how well do all copper bullets do on big game and how much does -20grains make a difference on deep penetration?

Note: the country I hunt is offers me shots out to 300yds (which I practice yearly).

I look forward to the conversation thank you.
Yes, thats the round Ive been using, what Im wondering is if its worth it to consider a different round or bullet?

Here is a pic of the 117g Sierra Gameking recovered from a neck shot on an elk.

25-06 117g Sierra Gameking_cropped.jpg

I hunt elk with a 25-06... and am fully aware of how light the bullet is. For that reason I am both picky on ammo selection and accuracy and practice a few times throughout the off season.

I had a long time supply of Federal Premium all from the same production lot 117g Sierra Gameking BTSP bullet (P2506C), Ive taken a 3 elk with this 1 shot drops.

Here's that P2506C in stock and on sale for $26.31 per box if you buy 3 or more boxes:

Suggest you speak with the Ballistc techs at Sierra and see if they can ID other manufacturers.

on the side, I use the .308 165gr BTSP, [.308W & 30-06] for whitetail in northern MI, and when I was considering going for elk in Washington state, and they indicated using the .308 165gr HPBT, as they were of a sturdier construction and increaas velocity by 150 fps.

Good luck! What ranges did you make your shots?
Suggest you speak with the Ballistc techs at Sierra and see if they can ID other manufacturers.

on the side, I use the .308 165gr BTSP, [.308W & 30-06] for whitetail in northern MI, and when I was considering going for elk in Washington state, and they indicated using the .308 165gr HPBT, as they were of a sturdier construction and increaas velocity by 150 fps.

Good luck! What ranges did you make your shots?

All my elk kills with the rifle have been 100yds or under, though I have glassed herds often at 200 there is a lot of open country terrain so I practice out to 300 yearly and can hold a group well enough prone if needed. I also use the rifle to hunt deer and pronghorn where Ive taken those at 200 and 300 yards cleanly.
Just a follow-up.
Located an August, 2019 issue of RIFLE'S HANDLOADER, inwhich they have a nice article regarding reloads for the 25-06. They did a small tabulation of commercial ammo, in which they ID the following
117 gr FederalClassic w/ SierraPro-Hunter SP @3030 FPS
120 gr Remingto Core-lok PSP @ 2954 FPS
120 gr Winchester Super-X Positive Expanding point @ 2990 FPS

Good Luck.

Also, see you are "Cascadia", the information note above was when I was working in Everett for Boeing. What was your "general" location.
Just a follow-up.
Located an August, 2019 issue of RIFLE'S HANDLOADER, inwhich they have a nice article regarding reloads for the 25-06. They did a small tabulation of commercial ammo, in which they ID the following
117 gr FederalClassic w/ SierraPro-Hunter SP @3030 FPS
120 gr Remingto Core-lok PSP @ 2954 FPS
120 gr Winchester Super-X Positive Expanding point @ 2990 FPS

Good Luck.

Also, see you are "Cascadia", the information note above was when I was working in Everett for Boeing. What was your "general" location.

I'm vague with my location on the web but am from Oregon. I hunt eastern Oregon for elk primarily, though Ive taken 3 Rosevelt elk on the coast range with this rifle.

I doubt there is a web article on the magazine article you mention, but I'm glad you mentioned it as it caused me to do some web searching and reading, there is a lot of info written on line about hunting performance of the 25-06. Several factory loads mentioned in this article and a good quick "takeaway" is the effective velocity of 2600fps, in short about 200yds or under.

Not a big fan of the 25-06 myself, but my hunting partner when I lived in NV used one. He used Nosler Partitions, never had an issue if he could hit the animal. Federal makes the Premium line with the 115 gr Partition bullets, if I were shooting factory ammo I would look at it.