24 deer in 4 days!


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Friday Nov 16th we took our daughter down to Oklahoma for our annual white tail trip. My daughter only hunted 3 days as we took a day off to go visit her grandmother in McAlester on Sunday.

My daughter killed her buck on Saturday evening throwing her plan to kill two does first and then hunt for a buck out the blind window. She didn't make a great shot as I think she pulled the shot on a quartering away at 255 yards, as she hit the buck in the base of the neck and not behind the shoulder where she said she was aiming. However, deer is dead and we'll take lucky over good in this case.

Her little 8 point.

Also killed Saturday evening was the biggest buck taken on this property by a guy who hunted with us for the first time. He actually filled both doe tags and his buck tag in about 15 minutes using a AR15 shooting 64 grain Nosler Bonded Performance bullets. Check out this nearly 150" monster!

My daughter had no luck on Monday filling her doe tags as we sat in the blind that morning and saw two bucks that were a lot larger than the one my daughter had previously shot. She took my ribbing pretty well as I joked with her about killing dinks. That afternoon I ruined her hunt as I started throwing up from the ladder stand about the time the deer started coming out. My wife thought it was food poisoning, I think I had the flu as no one else got sick and we had been eating pretty much the same food since we got there.

Tuesday I didn't go to the blind as I couldn't leave the hotel room for fear of being caught without a toilet near by. Again my daughter saw nothing but bucks that morning. When the evening hunt came the story changed as my daughter punched her last two tags very quickly with two mature does.

We had a total of 10 people hunting this year, youngest was 8 and the oldest was his 70 year old Papi. Both of these hunters shot their first ever deer while sitting together in the blind, talk about a great memory for both. Here are a few of our hunters with some of their success story.

Before we left yesterday morning we had a total of six hunters tag out three deer each, two hunters with two apiece and two hunters with one each. The two with one each are still hunting and have brought the total count up to two each by last night. I don't know if they'll hunt tomorrow or not but it was a great time had by all involved.
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Nice, congratulations to wife and daughter, sucks that you were sick. sure is a lot of processing work. I fewl yiur pain on that one.Our property received 5 tags from the state to shoot anything with (part of the CWD control program) apparently my wife took that as a challenge and in 10 days filled all 5 tags. For a while I felt as if all I did was retrieve, field dress, skin and debone deer. But there are several bags of boned out venison in the freezer awaiting the "all clear" testing from the state. Looks like we will be eating lots of summer sausage and deer loins, bummer.
Panfisher said:
congratulations to wife and daughter

Thank you, but the wife doesn't hunt anything other than bargains at the shoe store. She does appreciate all the meat though as she's our head cook. She just prefers to see deer in little white packages or out in an open field frolicking around.

We only brought home one carcass to process as we have as we still have plenty of venison in the freezer from my daughters mule deer hunt. We have plenty of local elderly people lined up who don't hunt anymore but appreciate the meat, so we often donate most of what we kill.

This is basically a depredation hunt to help my buddies dad out. He has more deer than you can believe, most of the hunters could have tagged out by the end of the second day if they had wanted to. And one of our hunters who only killed two deer only hunted one evening as the rest of the time he was in a blind with a 10 year old helping him to be patient and make good shots.
That is awesome! Congrats to your family. Sorry to hear about the stomach bug... tough thing to deal with during hunting season. Didn’t eat any romaine, did you?;)