24/47 mauser ejection problem

I went to the range today to shoot a couple of guns today. I was shooting a 24/47 mauser I've never shot and the spent case barely ejected. It would not eject a loaded round at all. I have two of these rifles so I thought I would switch bolts to see if the problem was with the extractor, or whatever else I could find out. It also would not eject a loaded round. So I switched bolts back and neither of them will eject a round. I have never shot either of these rifles.( I just joined a rifle range, so I will be shooting more) One not ejecting would not suprise me, but both seems kind of odd.
Does anybody have any ideas, are both of the ejectors worn?

Thanks in advance, David
It sure sounds like both ejectors are the problem and the chances that 2 different rifles have the same problems sounds unlikely. The ejector however in not part of the bolt but is located near the bolt release lever.
The ejector is part of the bolt stop assembly at the rear left of the action. The screw through the bolt stop holds it all together and attaches it to the receiver. Ejector springs are available.

If it is the extractor you are having issues with, first make sure you are not trying to hand feed the rounds into the chamber and then close the bolt over the rim. Most military Mausers do not work that way, they are designed to feed from the magazine. The extractor is the big flat thing attached to the ejection port side of the bolt.
They are not getting stuck in the chamber, the round gets pulled back just not ejected. I have tried hand feeding the round and filling the mag and trying with the same result.
Are you pulling the bolt all the way to the rear? Mausers have a spring-loaded ejector blade that pops up into the slot in the bolt.

Remove the bolt and look inside the action. Do you see the ejector blade? Looks like this
If not, you need an ejector. If you can see it, push on it, it should have spring pressure against it. If the blade is there but no spring pressure, you need an ejector spring.
It was the ejector blade was gummed up in both. cleaned the gunk out of the bolt stop thingy and voila, it works. The blade was stuck in the bolt stop assembly. Thanks very much for walking me through it. I was ready to buy 2 extractors. You guys are great.

I am glad you got it working.
The Gunk was probably Cosmelene, I would recomend stripping the Entire Rifle Down, bolt and all, and cleaning every bit of it out with alcohol, mineral spirits, degreaser or what ever it takes to cut it.
Your bolt may also be completely packed with it.
I bought a 24 47 also, and it was so packed when I got it, the firing pin wouldnt even move.
Good luck

+1 on TX hunters strip and clean. Both of the Yugo Mausers I have bought were packed with cosmoline and functioned poorly until stripped and cleaned.