22lr silencer?


New member
ive always thought it would be really cool to have a 22 rifle with a suppressor on it, but what would i have to do to get one? is it legal to just go buy one for a 22lr? or would i have to get some kind of licence for it? thanks
Check you're state laws.If you just want quiet and not 'look cool' then use sub-sonic rounds.
Should be in NFA section.

There are lots of NFA dealers in Florida.


If you are in a silencer freindly state you find a dealer, pick out your can, send a completed form 4, finger print cards, passport photos, certificate of compliance and a check for $200 to the ATF. Then you wait... When you get your approved form 4 back with the $200 tax stamp on it you may take control of your suppressor.

Others can and will mention the CLEO sign off/Trust stuff.
No license or permit required in the 37 states (lincluding FL) that allow unlicensed civilians to own them. In addition to the info Lowman provided, http://www.silencertalk.com is an excellent site for anyone who wants to buy or make a silencer. ATF approval is routine and never denied to anyone who fills out the forms correctly.

The biggest obstacles are price and obtaining the local sheriff's signature. Some CLEO's just will not sign. Using a revocable living trust to own the silencer means you do not have to get the CLEO sig, fingerprinted or attach photos.

I have been making silencers on ATF form 1's since 2002. They are not cool, just gun mufflers to me. Anyone who thinks that shooting subsonic ammo in a rifle is not noisy (except for CB's) probably has severe hearing loss. I have most of my hearing left and think subsonic 22lr 40 gr ammo out of a rifle is loud. I will not shoot it without some form of hearing protection; plugs or a silencer.

Check out the NFA section of this forum.

Best thing about cans is it keeps the neighbors out of your hair!
Reducing the sound of your squirrel/rabbit nerfing is a HUGE benefit :)

One local NWF gun owner had many complaints from his neighbors about his unnofficial gun range,
now he uses cans on everything...the initial wait sux (about 4-6 months), but after you get the first approval,
they come back pretty quick :)

Silenced guns also help keep down range noise at regular ranges...

Look at it this way, the less liberals that hear a shot, the less that can kvetch about it ;)