223 Stoner any good?


New member
Went to great western and saw a "Robinson" arms? STONER type 223 that uses ar mags is this 1600.00 rifle any good? Felt good and really solid. Have read of a seal in the 60's using a belt fed stoner in Nam and having nothing but paise for it. This rifle i saw had lots of welding like the HK91.

Have mini, but curious about stoner system, can it dump mags all day and still remain reliable?
The Stoner is an interesting story. They are very reliable and accurate. The Navy Seals and Army Special Forces both used Stoners when they had the chance. The Stoner system weapon was pitted against the M249 in trials for a SAW for US ground forces. The Belgum weapon won out for some reason... But that was a political choice I think.
The Stoner rifle is a good one - and 1600 isnt a bad price for it. Last one I saw was 2 years ago and it was 1500.

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the Robinson is an interesting arm but the stamped design was created by Stoner to be a lower tech, cheaper alternative to an AR15

in a perfect world the M96 would be a 500 dollar gun

maybe when the chinese start cloning them...

I'm going to wait for the Norinco version, myself...


Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
If it's anything like the SR-25 in .308 I've got, grab it as quick as you can.

The Stoner Match version shoots better than I can. When I do my part, all the rounds touch at 200 yards. Sub-MOA with the right ammunition. Now all I have to do is learn the rest of the stuff that goes with rifle shooting!! (Breathe, yeah I'm breathing, what about it???)

Isn't that the "Expeditionary Rifle"? If so, it's nothing like the Stoner SR-series. When I saw it, it seemed like a "magical gun making machine" swallowed a couple dozen AK's, AR's, and FAL's, and when it threw up, the M96 is what came out... Haven't shot one though, so I can't really comment on reliability or accuracy. Think I'd wait and see if a convertion for AR/M-16 mags becomes available for the HK SL-8 instead. Otherwise, spend the money on yet another AR-15. My $.02 anyway....
The Expeditionary Rifle is very much the same as the Stoner rifle. The main differance, wich I feel is an improvement is a redisgned gas regulator. Yes, it is an ugly rifle. Just like it should be.
Ok, there seems to be some confusion about Stoner Rifles. There are basically two kinds.

The M-96 is based upon the Stoner machine gun developed by Eugene Stoner back during the 1960's. It was the original modular weapons system, with a carbine, rifle, lmg, and bren style gun base on the same parts and operation. Stoner had previously designed the M-16, which the military had already adopted. Some special forces groups where armed with the Stoner during Vietnam. The military stayed with the M-16. The guns made by Robinson appear to be a modern version of the original. They are made by a different company than the SR 25.

The SR 25, as built by Reed Knight, is a compleatly different gun. When Stoner designed the Ar-15, he originally started out with a .308 version known as the AR-10. The basic design was scaled down to .223 and became what we know know as the AR-15. The AR-10 was only adopted by a few small countries and then faded away. The SR 25 is a resurected AR-10.

I have handled the m-96, but have never used one, or known of anybody who has one. No opinion of whether it is worth it or not.