223 or 50 beowolf for hogs


New member
I was wondering if anyone could advise me what kind of ammo and shot placement on hogs for a 223 fired from an m4....the range would not be greater than 50 yrds or so. Also, Has anyone had a chance to try the 50 beowolf on any game? From what I have read it should make an excellent close range round.
How big a hog? For a big'un, I would not use .223. Not enough bullet mass/penetration. .50 Beowulf sounds more like hog medicine.
I hunt lots of hog....spell "lots" with a capital "L".

They are extraordinarily resilient animals. They have unbelievably elastic hides. I have personally shot hogs with .308, 45-70, .338 WinMag and 50 Alaskan only to have to track them, even after heart shots.

Because of the hide elasticity, they tend not to bleed much and large exit wounds are the order of the day if you need to track an animal. Using a .223 on hog is just not ethically acceptable to me. I can guarantee you, you'll seldom get a clean kill and wounded animals are the one item to be avoided at all cost by the ethical hunter.

Please rethink your choice on this issue of caliber. From my experience, a .308 is the minimum round to be used on feral hog, and there really is no such thing as "too much gun" for this particular game. Near-domestic Florida varieties will succumb to a .44 Mag, but even here, I'd not use a .223.

No experience with the Beowulf, but it should do nicely. Bullet placement is the same as for most game: picture a basketball sitting on the sternum between the front legs. Hit the center of the ball from whatever angle you choose. Frontal shots, even with .308 will often fail due to an extremely thick shield of bone, cartilage and fascia.

Good Advice!

Find a thousand guys who have hunted hogs, and Rich probably has experience in the topmost five of them. His counsel is worthy of serious consideration.

You can get away with a smaller gun, sure - - I've killed three with a .257 Roberts and 100 gr. bullets, but they were targets of opportunity, while hunting deer. Two were from very precise bullet placement, through the earhole, DRT. One was dumb luck, and required a finishing shot from a big revolver. I've also had a big sow take a good hit from a .30'06 165 gr, and just run off into the brush. I'm sure she died, but best tracking efforts failed, so she kept moving for a long while. She could just as easily have come toward me . . . .

If I'm hunting hawgs in thick stuff, I want at least some .30 rifle with 180gr bullets, or my .45-70. I always carry a stout sidearm in pig country, as well.

I know men who have taken hogs with .223, and even one with a .22 Hornet. I'm also afraid that one of these days, I'll hear of one of them getting cut up . . . .

Good luck - -
Thanks everyone I'm gonna go ahead and get the 50 beowulf upper and not have to worry about it. The ar 15 carbine in the 50 looks like the best combo for me between knockdown and portability.....the 50 does increase the comfort factor too. :D
Backup handgun?

One more thing...I have a glock 22 and a ruger 6 in gp100 in 357 mag, which should I take as a backup and what loads?
Of the two, I believe I'd take the GP100 loaded with .357 180 gr. solids. If you handload, you might consider the Keith-type 173s with a stout powder charge.

If push comes to shove with a hawg, you are NOT looking for expansion, but PENETRATION. :eek:

Good luck--
Being new here,I'm certainly not going to argue w/someone who obviously has done a lot more pig huntin' than I have ,so I'll just reflect on my own experiences.Of the 40-50 pigs that I have taken(all sizes),I'd say 75% of them were shot in or just behind the ear with either a .243 or .222mag.They drop like a rock.I wouldn't try those for any other shot though.

Most all of my pigs have been taken either in the Texas Hill Country or South Texas while deer hunting.Clear,open shots up to 200yds. when they invade the feeder. Granted,some were also taken w/.270 and I certainly wouldn't recommend those little calibers in heavy brush or thick woods.But,like I said,placement is everything,so the shooter needs to be able to do his part.

Point blank to 200 yards all behind the ear is pretty damn impressive, even from a stand. I don't know 3 people who could consistently do that without occasionally breaking a jaw or blinding an animal. My hat is off to you, sir.

I should have qualified my recommendation with my own personal experience. I don't hunt hog over feeders or from stands....I've nothing against it. I just don't like sitting still for long periods.

My hog hunting is typically on foot in plains/hills/swamps of the TX panhandle. Shots are from near contact distance to maybe 250 yards, from offhand or hasty field position. I've seldom had one posing in the opposite direction to chance the head shot...but then, I don't consider myself in your class for marksmanship (seriously). That's why I prefer to get big lead on them.

Again, I give you great credit for marksmanship and anatomy. Even topped with a 60 grain bullet, I'd imagine those screamingly fast .222 Mags must be real unpredictable against heavy bone. As you said, "Placement is everything".
About ten years ago I shot a 250 LB sow at less than 30 feet with an '06 using a 200 gr. Speer Grand Slam. The bullet went in over her right shoulder and ended up just inside the skin on her left hip. On the way it took out one lung and part of her liver. She ran 75 yards before collapsing. Next time I plan on better shot placement and I'll be ready to place a quick followup shot. Going after a pig with a .223 is asking for REAL big trouble.
Before my head starts swellin' up,I must be honest :o .Only a few were 150-200yds.,and they were in the 300-350 lb.category.BIG TARGETS! :D
The rest were from 75-150yds.But look at a pig next chance ya get.The area behind the ear is probably the softest spot on them except for the underbelly.
And,that well placed shot snaps it's spine like a toothpick.Doesn't waste any meat either. :D

Yup, I know. I was looking at a bleached skull when I responded earlier.

Pretty damn small area that's not heavily armored. 'bout 2" square. Accept the compliment graciously. Even at 75-150 yards, on living, moving, rooting critters... at unknown ranges... consistently, over that many animals? That's pretty much world class, Bobby.
I'll humbly accept the compliment.The .222mag is an old Remington 700(1963) that's seen a LOT of use.The previous owner did a lot of varmint hunting and he tuned it in very well.I've had it a good 20 years and just recently took the old 3X Weaver off in favor of a Tasco World Class because I missed an early morning shot at a nice 10 point buck since it wouldn't pick up enough light to see it in the scope. :( :( .I haven't gotten it sighted in like I want yet,but when I do,I'm sure it'll make me proud again. ;) I certainly don't consider myself to be an expert marksman,but this old gun continues to make me look better than I am.Thanks.

This is taken from a local hog guide (Tn Extreme Hunting Adventures).

"A sight-in-range available for rifle and archery. Suggested guns include: 30-30, 32 Special, 35, 30-06, 308, 270, and 44 Magnum, 444, 45.70, 454 casull, shotgun with rifled slugs, bows, muzzle loaders."

If you are so inclined you can use a boar spear or knife (6" or more blade). On a more personal note, the common thread in gun choice amongst the hog hunters I know is short, light, and handy with a big hole (30-30, 35, 41mag, 44mag, 444, 45-70, 450, 454, and 12ga slug). The rifles are pretty much lever guns, the shotguns pump or auto, the pistols are revovlers.

Here the hogs are chased w/ dogs over hill and dale.
just recently took the old 3X Weaver off in favor of a Tasco World Class
Ahhh, the venerable Tasco in 2-8 Power. That's a lot of glass for 54 Bucks. I'll be interested in a range report...especially low light performance.
Actually Rich,I had planned on workin' on that this weekend,but I got over 4" of rain last night so right now my range out in the pasture is standin' in water.

:( :( :(

Although I happen to be the man that Johnny Guest alluded to when he mentioned that a hog could, technically, be taken with a .22 Hornet, it was a stunt, and I freely acknowledge the fact. (I also thought that the 200 lb sow I popped behind the ear at 80 yards at dusk was a little closer and a lot smaller!) It was illustrative, however, how vulnerable that spot behind the ear is. My little 45gr bullet smacked her about 2" or 3" behind the left ear from about 7 or 8 o'clock, and she rolled right over. (She had, as Rich says, "posed" for me for a moment.)

So, could it, technically, be done with a .223? Sure, under controlled conditions. But why not use this oportunity to get a .50 upper, pop a hog or two with it, and come back with a range report for us. Remember to take pictures!!! :)