.22 v .45

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I like Pete 80's pastime too, roadflares & charcoal lighter. Those butane cylinders are great, too! Whenever I see a sale on those propane torch combos (a can o'propane & a torch top), I always grab a few for picnics here at the ranch. Simply light the torch, set 'er in the berm, and center-punch the can with an SKS at 50yds or better. Talk about a fireball! Oh, by the way. Even a .22 PPK is better than a knife. When it goes to the ground, jam that sucker in his head and start squeezing that trigger until it don't go bang no more. My .22 PPK really likes Stingers or that Aguila .22 super max.
This might be extremely stupid but could this work? How about a propane tank, like the one on the barbeque, instead of 50 yards, I might have to move the firing line back a little more! Has anybody tried this?
Red, thats what I was thinking to. You can be down a number of limbs very quick if someone where to deploy a bowie properly and as to piercing I will take the 22's before 10 1/2" of steel. Now replace 22 with dbl barrel pistol shotgun with 3" shells and Ill take the gage, then we'll probably both die.
Back to shooting LPG tanks. I have never wasted my time shooting the propane torch tanks, I have never tried the barbecue sized tanks BUT have shot up or helped shoot up a fair number of the 125# jobs. Tracer alone will not light LPG, there has to be a source of ignition from something else. Railroad flares work well. .50 API or .30 API works just fine. Have a firetruck on standby, keep back better than 100 yards and watch out for debris. LOL

Toss in a little gasoline and dynamite and it makes for a interesting night shoot. For photos: http://www.wowsites.com/magnagun

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited November 20, 1999).]
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