.22 Remington Rifle JAM..HELP!


New member
Got a .22 cartridge jammed at angle into chamber...brass case won't budge(with GENTLE attempts). It's an older Remington under-barrel tube-fed semi. Rifle is new to me and I don't have owner's manual.....it shot fine for 30-40 rounds. I was using .22 Winchester Wildcat LR.:(
Info For Harley/Rem. .22 jam

Thanks, Harley!

The .22 rifle with a jammed cartridge is a Remington Speedmaster Model 552: i believe it is 20-25 years old. Believe me, with a live one partially in the chamber, I'm not doing anything with it but locking it up with the trigger safety on!
It would seem to me, that the first thing to do is clean it. Completeley disassemble it, clean, then see if the problem still exists. If you provide an email address, I can send you the complete disassem instructions, w/photos.
