.22 Raptor Class Match - Fun

Danny Creasy

New member
We shot this experimental game last Saturday in Sheffield, AL.

Twenty-two Raptor Class Match 100 yards - shooter moves from standing to prone or sitting with his/her bipodded rifle (or you can start standing with sand bag in your other hand and throw that down in lieu of a bi-pod) to engage five little chickens at 100 yards with 10 rounds in one minute - three strings - your score is the number of chickens standing out of all fifteen birds engaged - low score wins - tie breaker's anticipated - tie breaker will be a single string with only five rounds to be repeated as necessary - anything goes for the rifle as long as it is chambered for the .22 long rifle round and the rifle less magazine weighs no more than 10.5 lbs - repeat: the combined weight of the rifle and scope with the box magazine detached can not exceed ten and a half pounds - the weight of the magazine of a tube repeater will have to be included for obvious reasons.

Here are the results. Very diverse selection of rifles and equipment.

Final Results for the Raptor Class Match

String scores reflect the number of silhouettes left standing our of five (little chickens - 100 yds)

Place, Shooter, String 1, String 2, String 3, Total, Tiebreaker if required, Rifle, Scope, Ammo, Bipod or Rest

Novice Rankings (13-15)


Rifleman Rankings (10-13)

1st, David King, 3, 4, 3, 10, CZ 452 Ultra Lux, Tasco 8-24, Wolf MT, Rest

2nd, John Butler 4, 3, 4, 11, TC Classic, Sightron HBR SII 6X42, Wolf MT, Rest

3rd, Andrew Butler, 2, 5, 5, 12, TC Classic, Sightron HBR SII 6X42, Wolf MT, Rest

Marksman Rankings (7-9)

1st, Richard Strickland, 3, 1, 4, 8, Izmash Biathlon Basic, Swift 6-24X50, Aguila Std Velocity, Rest

2nd, Danny Creasy, 4, 3, 2, 9, Ruger 77/22 VBZ, Weaver T-36, Eley EPS Biathlon, Rest

Expert Rankings (4-6)

1st, Keith McBrayer, 3, 0. 2, 5, TB=3, Izhmash Biathlon Basic, Swift 6-24X50, Aguila Std Vel, Rest

2nd, Tony Gilmore, 5, 0, 0, 5, TB=5, Savage Mk II Classic, CP 4-18X44, Federal Gold Metal, Bipod

3rd, Jay Holman, 3, 3, 0, 6, TB=2, Ruger 10/22 International, Leupold Vari XII 2-7X33, SK Std+, Nothing

4th, Dwight Pilkilton, 1, 3, 2, 6, TB=5, Izmash Biathlon Basic, Weaver V-16, Wolf MT, Bipod

Master Rankings (1-3)

1st, Peary Willard, 0, 1, 2, 3, TC Classic, Tasco World Class 3-12, Federal Champion HiSpeed, Bipod

Grand Master Rankings (0)


Well, Peary showed us how it was done. He is a fine shot and it showed today.

Please note that Tony Gilmore had two clean runs and Jay Holman shot that little Ruger with nothing but bare elbows, no sling, no rest, no bipod - way to go guys.

The Expert group had a cat fight! Tiebreaker strings allow only five rounds - tough.

It was cooler than predicted and overcast. But, the rain held off and the winds were light.

Talk about sportsmanship and class. Folks were loaning rifles, ammo, shooting rests, and cheering each other on. A fine morning for 10 shooters. Keith McBrayer just came to watch and Richard Strickland insisted he use his Biathlon Basic, mat, and rest to shoot. At the end of Keith's second string, he loudly declared "I gotta get one of these" - he had just cleaned all five silhouettes in the string.

Funny thing, Peary wants to know when we are going to be adding the Raptor Match to our regular schedule.

Pics courtesy or Dwight Pilkilton:
