.22 LR Postal Match

I will host a postal match for .22 LR rifles.
Category 1:15-30 yards
Category 2: 30-50 yards
Category 3: 50 yards only match grade
Targets: Category 1: any 2-inch target
Categories 2 and 3: any 3-inch target
Rifles: Categories 1 and 2: any rifle firing 22 LR ammunition
Category 3: Match grade .22 LR rifles and/or ammunition only
Ammunition:Categories 1 and 2: any .22 LR ammunition that is not match grade. Category 3: any match grade ammunition
Sights: Categories 2 and 3: any sights. Category 1: any iron sights.
Scoring: I will post a results thread when the match is over. Photograph your target and specify rifle, category and group size and post it on that thread. Smallest group in a wins.
Prizes: Braggin' Rights
Entries: Reply to this thread by April 21st. I will need a list of user names for this match.
This match begins today(April 14), and ends April 30th. Shooting must be done between those dates.
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I'm confused how this works. We just go out and shoot our own targets with whatever .22LR we have and post a pic?
What the heck is a "match grade target"?

Please be more specific or the results you get will be incomprehensible.

NRA national match 50-yard targets? International smallbore cards? Regular 10-bull NRA smallbore cards?

15-30 yards? 30-50 yards? What the heck does that mean? The individual shooter chooses the range he sets up the targets at?

Have you ever shot a smallbore match in your life? If not, you really should before trying to organize one. If you have, I don't know where you got the ideas for this, but they are not up to snuff.

Also, for the less-than-50 yards catagories with "match grade rifles" and "match grade ammo", any position, you are going to get a whole stack of .22" groups and end up with a 30-way+ tie for first.

How many shots per group?

You have a LOT of work to do on the specs if you want to make this work.
15-30 yards and 30-50 yards are different distance categories. You choose the distance. Any 3 inch diameter target can be used. The match grade category is for match grade rifles with match grade ammo or match grade ammo in non-match grade guns. Match grade is 50 yards only. 10 shots per group.
What do you consider "match grade" ammo? To me that means Tenex, Federal GM Ultramatch, and maybe one or two Lapua loads.

Where does the cheap, mass-production Federal GM load fall on your scale?

If you are specific early on, it will avoid headaches later.
If I'm reading you correctly, there are three ranges you can shoot at: 15, 30, and 50 yards. Right?

I guess 15-30 and 30-50 threw me. It's a weird way to say there are three distances to shoot at.