.22 conversion kit for Browning HP/FEG PJK?


Retired Screen Name
Has anyone seen a kit to convert a Browning HP or an FEG clone of same to .22? I know such kits exist for 1911 patterns and I think they're such that you can switch back and forth, albeit slowly and with effort. I WANT an FEG and it's in my price range, even looks like it would fit my fiancee's hands but if I could convert it to .22 for awhile so she (and I ) can learn on the cheap, easy stuff I'd have one shipping by tomorrow!
BTW, are the parts interchangeable on FEG's and real HP's?
And before you ask, I did do a search--these are just the few questions it didn't clear up.

The above was originally posted in Handguns and Pistolcraft; I'm hoping some smiths can help out. Thanks!


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Gwinny, I beleive that Cienner makes a conversion for the Hi-Power and it should work on the FEG. From what I've seen parts are interchangeable between the two. George