22 Colibri/CB Rifle Suggestions?


New member
Today I was shooting a Rascal I purchased. Neat little guns. I had some Super Colibris and ran those through it - what a freakin' hoot!

Anyway, any recommendations on an adult-level rifle for Super Colibris? Sort of like a gun dedicated to this?

Seems the specs should be 18" barrel or less and bolt action. Could be single-shot no problem there.

I've looked at H&R Sportster but barrel over 18". Same with Savage Mark IIs.

Stuck with a Rascal for this? Or maybe even a Thompson Hot Shot?

Any others?
I have an old marlin glenfield bolt action that shoots them well enough and since it was made for short long or longrifle I can use the clip. what works best for accuracy are cb longs. if you're needing back yard vermin eradicating I shoot from well inside and use subsonic long rifle. I also have an old marlin pump that cycles and shoots what ever I stuff in the tube.
I've used the Super Colibri on my trapline out of a Ruger 22/45 pistol. Totally manual operation and mag will only feed with 3 rounds or less. Not recommended for use in rifles although many do. I fired 2 through an older 10-22 and they exited the muzzle but I'm not using them in the rifle.
Accuracy is iffy and POI is significantly different from HV ammo in my pistol. Not an issue for shots @ 2-5' but I did have problems hitting trapped skunks from 20'.
I've switched to Remington C-Bee hollow point ammo for several reasons. First, it feeds from the mag better. Second, it has more power w/o cycling the action which is safer-still a mag fed manual operation. Third, more accurate and POI is very close to HV ammo. Fourth, more powerful-the Colibri would occasionally fail to penetrate the skull of a large coon forcing me to spend extra ammo or extra time suffocating the animal.
RE: TC HotShot,
I just took delivery on two of those for my Grandsons' B-day gifts. One was OK but the other has serious lockup issues and a loose pivot pin and barrel. I'm waiting on a response from TC on the next step and can only hope it's resolved before Gson's B-day.
I run them through my old Stevens Crack Shot... barrel is longer than 18" but probably "loose" but I get 3-4" groups at 30-40 yards & is great fun to shoot...
I shoot Aguila Super Colibri out of my two Henry lever action rifles and Savage Mark II; and the Henrys also handle CCI CB Shorts, Longs and Quiet .22s.
RE: TC HotShot,
I just took delivery on two of those for my Grandsons' B-day gifts. One was OK but the other has serious lockup issues and a loose pivot pin and barrel. I'm waiting on a response from TC on the next step and can only hope it's resolved before Gson's B-day.

Held a Hot Shot in a store the other day. I like them. I'm glad you shared this story about a faulty one.
I shoot Aguila Super Colibri out of my two Henry lever action rifles

I shoot 'em out of my Marlin 39A lever action. It's like a pellet gun but without all the pumping.

It's funny, the only sounds you hear is the click of the hammer hitting the firing pin and the thwack of the bullet hitting the paper.