.22 ammo at Wally


New member
Went to Wal-Mart the other day to get some stuff and as I made my rounds through the sporting goods dept. I noticed a slight sale on .22s, I decided to pick up a few K. Now I don't purchase a lot of ammo a Wally-world, being as most of my ammo is bulk or my own reloads, but it hasn't been that long ago. I remember the register beeping and the lady looking at me and immediatly pressing <y> for the "Over 18 <y> <n>" question. What I do not remember was the question "Is purchase for a <H>andgun <R>ifle". Are they just wondering where thier ammo is going? What is the deal with this question? -SCatt
Since most states don't allow anyone under twenty-one to own a handgun, they won't allow anyone under twenty-one to purchase handgun ammo. Eighteen for rifle/shotgun ammo.

A friend of mine who had a 9mm pistol would claim the ammo was for a carbine before he turned twenty-one. A truly idiotic law.
Another reason for the question:

About 2 yrs ago an 18 yr old accidently shot and killed his buddy with a .22 handgun. The dead boy's parents sued WalMart because the 18 yr old had bought .22 ammo from WM. They lost, but, it cost WM quite a few bucks in defense costs and negative PR.

Actually it was never proven that the killing bullet was from WalMart....after the shooting the police found a bag with a new brick and receipt from WM in the boy's bedroom

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Long ago, in a *more restrictive* time???!! (I can't believe I am saying that) a signature and proof of age was required for ammo purchases. In Ohio, .22lr ammo was classified as handgun ammo and sales were restricted to 21 and above. It's been a number of years since I was *carded* for anything, so I haven't kept track. I believe it is still the same, but now no signature is required. GAWD! And to think at the time I thought things were going in the right direction. Next trip to the store I'll check out the signs.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
Oh yeah, that's how I recall it was about 8-10 years ago (in Ohio). It didn't matter what purpose the .22lr ammo was being bought for, sales to under 21 year olds was prohibited. Even BB/airguns were treated the same as regular firearms. I remember going to BEST Products (now defunct) in Parma Hts. and waiting behind someone filling out a yellow form for a Crosman! Didn't think much of it back then as I was new to guns. The employee probably wasn't sure if one was needed or not and just wanted to cover his behind.

- Ron V.

I remember getting carded at a Kmart for .22 shells years ago.
I produced my military green card. The old lady looked at it - then at me - and back at the card and said "Where is the date on this?" I told her "What? Yesterday I was shooting machine guns and rockets... And you want to see the date? Its right there under your thumb."

Uncle Sam gives me a M-60 - Kmart gives me a headache.

"There is no Spoon"
Kodiac: That is the greatest post I have seen this year. The whole idea of the absurdity. Kind of like a toll collector stopping a military convoy because they don't have the right change.
Well... I dont go to Kmart anymore... Or Walmart...
I like TARGET stores... But the don't sell guns at all of any type.

Sheesh - where can a gun-man go to shop?!
I'll tell you - A store chain called ROSES in Virgina. Smaller and not as cheap as the other marts - but you could buy an L1-A1 for 250 and a .303 Enfields for 60! and get you your Shampoo and toothpaste, Charmin and Tasters Choice, Light bulbs and pampers all there as well.

If you live near a ROSES - check it out!

"There is no Spoon"
Before purchasing anything at Wal-Mart again, check on their "assault weapons" policy. Will sell a Ruger Mini-14, won't sell a Colt Sporter. I boycott Wal-Mart for their stupid anti-gun policies. I urge other shooters to do the same. Thanks
Kodiak- Those Target stores you like are part of the Dayton-Hudson Corp. one of the biggest retail conglomerates this side of Wal-Mart. The parent company is one of Sarah Brady's best contributors, as well as giving really big $s to the Democrat party.

I haven't been in a Target store for years, but the last time I went in with my wife I tried to find a gun mag to read while she shopped. There were no such mags on the rack so I asked a lady employee why they didn't carry any. She looked at me like I just landed from Mars and said"oh, we don't sell those kind of things" That's when I started researching the company's policies and contributions record. Now no one in my family spends a cent there.

Understand, I'm not trying to tell you where to shop, just saying that Wallyworld aint so bad, relatively speaking of course.
Ed, I had almost the same experience. I was in a Target store and wandered over to the sporting goods section and asked where their ammo and cleaning equipment was. The guy at the counter said they don't sell THOSE things. I said something like "Well you certainly have a funny name for the store then, don't you?" He looked bewildered and I just walked away, forever.