
I am having all my rifles threaded.
I am getting a suppressor for my .22s
The highest pressure one I have is a 22-250 bolt gun and a mini14 is highest rate of fire(semi-auto).

Where can I get a 22-250 suppressor? The few models I was looking at for .223 seem to not be able to handle the pressure(have some sort of disclaimer) and the only one I have found for 22-250 is carbon fiber and 1k. Not ruling out spending that much, but would prefer to avoid it.
Which ever .223 can you like should be able to handle the pressure of the .22-250. Best to call the mfgr. and ask. I've seen plenty of .223/5.56 cans on the '250's.
FYI, you are going to have a very hard time getting rid of the sonic boom.

When I win the lottery, I'll get a .45ACP or one of the whisper rounds that send a pretty big chunk of lead subsonic in a carbine with a suppressor to really gain a benefit.

I'm in no way trying to sway you away from your project.

Any of the AAC .223 product line can handle 22-250. I would forget silencing the Ruger Mini 14 as it is one of the worst silencer hosts made. I would suggest getting a 308 silencer and using it on all your calibers smaller than 30 bore.
Fisherman66, it is very easy to get rid of the sonic boom, just use subsonic ammo. Handloading makes it a snap. Just need a faster twist to stablize the heavier bullets. The sonic boom does not bother me when shooting my ar-15 suppresssed as long as I am not under a roof.

You do not need to win the lottery to suppress. My silencers just cost $20-30 plus tax. Of course the lathe and other tools set me back about $2000. Making a few cans put me in the black though. :)

I want you all to read this very carefully...

The sonic boom is VERY TINY.

A 180gr .308" bullet from my 30-06, going ~2700FPS... and it sounds like a .22lr.

Most of what bugs people while shooting is the muzzle blast - even just getting rid of the muzzle blast is VERY, VERY helpful.

The sonic boom on my PLR-16 .223 is a joke - barely anything at all, sounds like someone downrange (the noise is reflected) dropped a book on concrete.
I read and reread to make sure I did it carefully.

Sounds good to me. I'd still prefer to rainbow something subsonic, but apparently I have overestimated the effect of the boom.

RAnb, are you making an offer? I don't like the idea of having to pay a tax to lessen the noise pollution. Kinda ticks me off how dumb Unc Sam can be.
I would suggest getting a 308 silencer and using it on all your calibers smaller than 30 bore.

Now here is an interesting idea. I know the diameter of the bullet does not need to fit the suppressor perfectly, but I had assumed 30 cal was enough of a difference to where the suppressor would have little effect.
Oh, no. I use a 30-cal silencer on my .223, .30-06, .22 Hornet, etc... though I do also use a .223 silencer for .223. The difference isn't too much at all, as the volume of the .30 cal silencer is significantly larger - there's just more room for the gas to expand, so the slightly larger bore size is negated for the most part. :)
fisherman66, not really. I can show you how to make a can, but I can not make one for you. The person who's name is on the ATF form 1 has to be the one who makes it. But you can obtain help, like using someone else's lathe. If I was to make one for you, I would have to pay the $200 tax, make it, send it to a dealer in my state who would sell it to you at cost plus labor plus my tax, then you pay another $200 tax. My silencers are not worth the $400 in taxes alone.

They are fun to make though. You might want to try it sometime.

Thanks for the offer to help. I don't have access to metal working tool nor the desire to pay that stupid tax to reduce noise pollution. Again, thanks for the offer.
I have a ??

Hi i'm new to this forum and live in Ontario I would like to know why
you need a silencer.
I shoot a Ruger #1v in 22-250
I can't understand why people who say "why you need a silencer" or "only assasins (sic) and the mafia used silencers" do not understand that they are being rude. I need a silencer for the same reason I need the other guns in my safe; to enhance my firearms collection. Very simple.

People use silencers for the same reason they use mufflers on cars. They reduce noise pollution and prevent hearing loss. Even a mediocre silencer can reduce noise by 20 decibels, this is equal to a 99% reduction in sound intensity. Even with this noise reduction, it is rare to have a lethal firearm that is less than 115 decibels, in other words they are not actually silent. The word silencer is a legal term used by the American government and a marketing gimmick coined by Maxim over 100 years ago.

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I did not mean it to be rude Here in Canada we use ear plugs
Now for deer there is not a lot of shooting but for hogs I would
use ear plugs.
Sorry if you thought it was rude
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I normally use ear plugs when shooting as I usually shoot near others or am shooting in WA State where use of the silencers I make is prohibited. Ear plugs are absolutely useless when it comes to reducing noise pollution near a rifle range.

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A silenced 30-06 sounds like a .22lr instead of a cannon going off next to my head. That alone should be enough reason to allow silencers. :)
If you say so. I shoot benchrest and I use Bull's eye 6 Shotgunner
and don't have any trouble
(ear plug might be miss leading. What I use are muffs)
I use plugs on my bike
I do have to hold them away from my ear before we shoot so I can hear the range officer and his blow horn. :)
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What kind of accuracy do you expect to get with the silencer? The only silenced rifle i have ever shot was a 22lr. Quiter than a pellet rifle but the groups opened up to about 5 inch at 50 yrds. Without the silencer, the rifle was shooting about an inch at 50 yards.