21st birthday what handgun?


New member
my dad has said he would buy me any handgun i want for my 21st birthday which is about to occur. ive done a little research and i like sigs and kimber 1911s also other sig and hk models. the price range is up to 1400. im not that interested in a glock or anything super common since this is intended to be a gun i keep and dont sell or anything like that. im open to suggestions and would love to hear what everyone would choose.
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When I bought a 1911 I purchased a Kimber Desert Warrior 2, mainly because I'm a lefty and it was the only ambi-safety 1911 the store had. While I've not had any issues with it since I got it, I wish I had just gotten a Colt instead, gave the gunsmith $50 and had him put on an ambi-safety as it would've saved me about $300 up front. RIA also makes solid 1911s for much cheaper but that's all your prerogative on which you get. Just because it says "Kimber" or some other high name rollmark doesn't mean it's all aces, I'd suggest just getting something simple and running it. Learn the weapon's system, it's ups and downs and then later on if you want a custom shop type gun get it later or just tinker here and there and mod your original one to what you want out of it. Hope this helps.
I'd skip any kimber 1911 unless its under 800 dollars. :rolleyes: after that you can get better guns with better CS. Springer, Ruger and S&W come to mind.

If all metal floats ur boat look @ CZ too. Great guns for the money. Browning Hi Power also very nice. It kinda just depends on what you want really. Sig, 1911, etc are all quality guns. Just pick what u like best.
For your first 1911, I would actually go with RIA for budget minded purchaser. Might be able to convince your dad to buy some surplus .45acp ammo to practice with all the money he saved lol. But I would still go with the RIA because later on you might decide to make it your own with some small customizations and its kinda crazy to me that people would spend the extra money for a SIG, Kimber, etc. just to change all kinds of parts.
If I was going to ask for a birthday handgun, it would be a Smith and Wesson K frame revolver in .22lr. A Sig 226 in 9mm would also be fun.
That's a nice dad you have!

For that price tag I would avoid Kimber if I were you, from what I've been led to understand they aren't worth what you pay for them. Once again this is from what I have heard, I have never fired a Kimber pistol. They are pretty.

If I was spending over $1000 (of course not wveryone is the same as me)
I would be looking at 3 choices; an H&K P30, a Sig P226 or a Sig 1911, I really like the look of the stainless models, but also the nightmare. I've shot all three and I like the 1911 the best, but if ammo capacity matters to you at all it might not be a good choice.
Personally, I greatly prefer the grip on the P30, and HK's in general over SIGs DA/SA guns. Plus you can expect the HK to be as reliable as they come, the P30 is the continuation of a line of Pistols (P30, P2000, USP) evolving/devolving from the MK23. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_&_Koch_Mark_23

If you are interested in 1911's SIG is a great choice; and I hear (but have not shot) that Smith and Wesson makes a great 1911 as well and I beleive you could find one in that price range.

You know, if I made the choice right now (as in if I were in your shoes) I would probably pick a SiG 1911.


The number of choices is outstanding, I imagine you could find a 1911 for any taste in this lineup.

My .02 cents.
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If I was buying a 1911 today it would be a S&W 1911sc E or whatever they're called. Gorgeous gun. Never read a bad review from anyone about them. They seem reasonably available within your price range.

I like the looks of the Ruger. But the Smith just knocks me out with it's bobbed butt.

Sgt Lumpy
Well you never said if you had any experience with handguns or not but I am going to assume that you must have had something to spark your interest. I'm kind of in the mind of "2damnold4this". I would pick a gun that is economical to shoot and is already somewhat a classic design today. A S&W K-Frame certainly fills this bill. There are many used guns on the market well worth buying and I have bought new guns of the Classic Series and always been satisfied with them. I don't have the IL or MIM fright as some do. In 22, 38, or 357 they are great guns. I also agree with the Sig 226 in 9mm. It is the first gun that comes to my mind when a new shooter says they would like to get a semi-auto as a self defense and range gun, followed closely by the Beretta Model 92. As far as 22lr in a semi-auto there are many older classics out there from S&W, Colt, and Ruger that just say Americana and in the family all over them. You might even throw a few choices out to your dad and let him surprise
you just a little something to help change your mind if you get a notion to sell it for some reason.
Well, I'd go with something a little more on the unusual side. :) It's a very special birthday after all.

Go look for a HKP7. It's on the upper side of you're price limit, but damn, if it ain't nifty.

As for 1911's, on this I'd skip the RIA. Look for something a little nicer. I'd also skip on the Kimber. I havn't heard such nice things about the company. Check out Springfeild Armory.
My first gun (15) was a Colt Diamondback in .22. My second (16) was a 6" S&W model 27. And my high school graduation present was a Colt Govt model with a Colt .22 conversion unit. My first carry gun as a security guard was a nickel S&W model 58. I still have all of them, every one of the still has "wow" appeal to me and anyone that sees them. They are timeless. I remember the day i got them and the pride of ownership. The Govt Model was my first duty gun as a police officer.

Buy the finest classic gun you can that you like. If you like revolvers, a SW 27, 28. A 686. A Ruger GP. A Colt SAA. A classic, slightly used is, to me, more valuable than a brand new injection molded soulless, mass produced toy.

Autos? A Colt 1911. A Sig P226. A Browning High Power.

Get a gun that is truly an heirloom.
My father who is in his 60s, and still loves to shoot was recently bought a new handgun for his birthday by the "KIDS". A Taurus PT 24/7 G2 .40 for less than 600$. The "OLD MAN" loves it. It features "Strike Two" Capability and Picatinny Rails for laser or Tactical Light. Light weight, easy carry Mid/Full size. And shoots like a dream. Easy to Field strip and clean...Great gun for the money. Take a look....
About the only "forever things" at age 21 would be parenthood, certain STD's and education. I recommend avoiding the first for a while, the second forever and that the third be your priority. All else is temporary until you figure a few things out. Find one you really like and come back with something specific. Don't let a bunch of strangers on the internet decide for you.
If it was my birthday and my father told me he would buy me any (worth up to $1,400) handgun I wanted I would have said:

"Pops, I want a 45ACP 1911 (real-deal) Colt Commander, in blue steel with a round spur hammer."

And whatever day your birthday falls on, best wishes and good health to you... and your father too.

Almost forgot cjmmc... WELCOME ABOARD!
i like the sig 1911s and that will be most like what i go with. thanks 8mm for your post it was a good one. to those of you who suggested hk or other sig models ive looked at them and they just dont speak to me the way a 1911 does. thanks for the advice on kimber as well
id like a full sized one

ill probably buy myself a small carry gun at the same time dad buys me the other gun.

the small carry gun isnt part of the 1400 budget i stated earlier. id love to hear suggestions on the carry gun as well. im not a huge fan of the .380 but might consider it in a certain sittuation.
...they just dont speak to me the way a 1911 does.
You have already figured out what is calling to you. That's a very good thing. ;)

I've had two Kimbers and they've all been good guns and I haven't paid more than $800 for any of them. One withstood perhaps ten thousand rounds before getting traded for something I wanted more. The other is my every day carry gun. They're good guns and I do not believe they deserve the derision they receive from some folks. Apparently much of which is third hand nonsense. They're also not the only maker worthy of consideration. My Springfield Range Officer is a wonderful 1911 for its modest price. It is very well made and very accurate. Been wanting to get it clamped into the Ransom Rest to see what it will do. With $1400 to spend, you may want to get something a little better finished. S&W's, SIG's and Dan Wessons are also very good.