21 yrs old - Concealed Carry (NY)


I turn 21 in a few months and I want a concealed carry permit. My record is squeaky clean, never even been warned by the police for anything.

My worry is that I live in New York State. My other worry is that I'm only going to be 21. Will they make up some reason or say that I'm too young, what do I need a gun for at 21, you don't need a gun, guns kill, yap yap yap?

With a squeaky clean record at 21, are my chances still that unlikely in NYS?
They should allows you to as my step dad got his permit and hand gun at 21 and it did not bother them. You should expect no trouble at all.
I haven't been a resident of NYS since before you were born. It is still my understanding NYS is still a "may issue state" so a lot depends on where in NYS you live. In or about large metro areas your chances are a lot slimmer than more rural areas. If your home is in or near NYC "forgettaboutit" it ain't going to happen.
I would say move to Florida as Florida is a "shall issue" State but we already have more than our fair quota of New Yawkers.
It probably depends on what part of NYS you live in. I would think that the closer you live to NYC, the slimmer your chances of getting a CCL.
21 in NY

Welcome to the group ABC.

Age should not be an issue. I am in Monroe County, Rochester area, the county clerk told me to put "self protection" in the reason I wanted a permit. I understand some counties are a little different. In Niagara County the sheriff pays an unannounced visit to your home. In Wyoming County the process in far more laid back. It took the full six months in my county. The Sheriff's department called all 4 of my character references and did a 10 minute interview. They called my wife too. They asked if I had any issues with drugs, alcohol or domestic violance.

Process a bit tendious but I'm well armed now. Good luck.
Patchwork Quilt

There is considerable variation in the application of the NYS gun laws. To my knowledge, many of the more populous counties will not accept "self-protection" as the reason for needing a permit unless perhaps you're in a profession such as retail jeweler, armored car driver, armed guard etc. Frankly, I'm not aware of any counties issuing carry licenses without an occupational tie but I could be wrong.

There's another similar thread running. Having lived my entire life in NY, I'm pessimistic that we'll ever become a shall issue state. This is the home of Congresspeople Chuck Shumer and Carolyn McCarthy, whom, if given the chance, would outlaw guns entirely.:(