20mm & Gatling gun question


New member
I was talking to a dealer at a gun show here in Kalifornia. He tells me that there are 20mm rifle kits and .22LR gatling gun kits avail. I'm interested in getting either one but havent been able to locate anyone who might have parts or schematics.

Second, in order to own one of these would I have to be a Class 2 or Class 3 licensed FFL?

Thanks in advance
A Gattling Gun can be owned in the USA by anyone who is legally able to own a rifle. It is classified as a rifle as there is only one shot fired for each pull of the "trigger". The trigger being the crank.
I don't think the 20mm would be legal in the USA without a Destructive Device stamp as it is over one half inch in diameter. If one applied for and received the applicable permission from the ATF then the 20mm could be built.
The only .22 Gattling Gun I've ever seen mounted 2 Ruger 10/22 actions together with the receiver tops basically facing each other. If used with the older 25 or 50 round magazines, they're supposed to be a hoot to use. I believe that the trigger used a flapper type of system which tied both trigger systems together and almost simulated full-auto fire.

I haven't seen these advertised in quite a while though. Maybe someone else recalls a name perhaps?


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Society
I would be EXTREMELY cautious about buying or using a "gatling gun" in Der People's Republik of Kalifornia. Check out Penal Code section 12020 first at: HTTP://WWW.LEGINFO.CA.GOV/cgi-bin/displaycode?section=pen&group=12001-13000&file=12020-12040

I think it might be considered a "multiburst trigger activator" which is what they use to prohibit the "Hellfire" crank attachments.

And that 20mm cannon is subject to federal rules - it's a "destructive device," dontcha know...

It's good that they have these laws, because as everybody knows, these the preferred weapons of criminals: 99.9999992% of criminals prefer to schlep around antique gatling guns and/or 200 pound 20mm antiaircraft guns when they commit armed robberies. I feel so safe knowing that these things are off the streets!
The side by side Ruger 10/22 mounting unit was made by Calico back around 1986.

As for Gatling Gun plans, they're advertised regularly in the Gun List (but not this latest edition). They're also legal to own, provided you don't motorize it.

Very few modernized (read powered) Gatling Guns are in the hands of civilians. Even the hand cranked ones will run you about $25-30k.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I had a friend who went to knob creek this past year. He was telling me of people owning a "mini" ver. of a mini-gun there and if you had the $$$ you could shoot it.
Also, there was someone there who owned a 20mm rifle that you could shoot if you had the cash.

Now I'm planning to move to Texas next year so I wanted to get an idea if these guns were obtainable by a non-violent law abiding citizen like myself :) who just wants to go out to the range with either of these weapons and vent - if you know what I mean.

BTW Thanks for the replies guys really appreciate the info.
As someone else said, the original hand-cranked Gatling or a copy is not a Title II firearm under Federal law, it is a rifle. If motorized, it is a machinegun, but a few are registered and legally in private hands. There have been a couple of people who made scaled down .22 Gatling copies; these were hand made and quite salty. There were also kits, but I never knew anyone who tried to put one together. The Gatling is complex and no one has ever tried to mass produce repros.

That double barrel Ruger setup was not a Gatling at all, as the barrels did not revolve.

Furr Gatlings are the most desired of the .22lr. http://www.1800miniature.com/ . They are not kits, but scaled down versions of the real thing. Prices are in the range of "if you have to ask, you can't afford it". http://www.fjvollmer.com/furr.htm gives you an idea of how much they can run. I believe the same firm that makes the full size for Dixie Gun works also offers a .22lr version http://www.dixiegun.com/brochure/gatling.htm , but you will run into that 10 round detachable magazine limit thing. Lotsa' punks want to cap someone with a 500 pound pocket piece I guess (heavy sarcasm). http://home.att.net/~ramair4/ offers blue prints to make a Gatling Gun. I'm sure if you have the machinist skills necessary, you can convert the plans down to .22lr as I imagine they are for the original .45/70 or .50/70(?). I can find out more about the firm here in Ohio if you're, really, really, really interested, but I suspect that by now you prettty much lost interest in it. I checked into it a couple of years ago as I thought it would make a great conversation piece, toy, just neat thing to have type of thing. IIRC, prices were in the 7 to 12 K $ range, but I'm not positive. Since it's a working firearm, all BATF rules apply, and like stated by other posters, and the web sites, best check before you lay your hard earned money down. My .02 worth with a .01 cent rebate would be to go for something like the Furr if you can afford it.