209 adapter


New member
If I were to replace the #11 nipple on my inline muzzleloader with a 209 primer adapter, what sort of change, if any, would I need to make to the hammer to make it work?

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I were to replace the #11 nipple on my inline muzzleloader with a 209 primer adapter, what sort of change, if any, would I need to make to the hammer to make it work?

It depends on which company made the gun.
There's really no need for them if using conventional muzzle loading powders with such a small chamber.
Funny you should mention that. I have been making white powder with KNO3 and sugar that I shoot in my .50 cal muzzleloader. It is really inexpensive and easy to make, but it is also harder to ignite. With a standard #11 percussion cap the chances are about one in three that it will fire, but I have been making it work by "priming the load" with a few grains of Pyrodex. I tried loading the white powder in my 45 ACP. I put together 10 rounds and every shot fired with large pistol primers.
What inline are your refering to? Sounds like it's a Knight or perhaps a TC Black Diamond. In both cases, there are convertions. Might also look at converting to a Musket cap for increased ignition but again, not sure what you have there. ... :confused:

Be Safe !!!