2017 IDPA classifier


New member
As most of you IDPA shooters know, this year IDPA will start penalizing shooters 1 full second for each "down point" a shooter hits on the target, as opposed to 1/2 second previously. This places more emphasis on accuracy. Most of us, myself included, wonder whether this will improve or hinder our scores. We shall see.

I got close to making Sharpshooter last year (9 seconds too slow) and I'd like to move up this year, so I got interested in how that affects the classifier scores. I turns out that the classifier has undergone significant changes this year. Here are some highlights I found:
  1. Round count per stage is now 24 instead of 30. Total rounds are now 72 instead of 90.
  2. Total strings are now 8 instead of 14. Should be faster to complete.
  3. No more loaded chamber reloads. All 4 reloads are from slide lock.
  4. No more kneeling. All shots are taken standing.
  5. Position distances are still the same: 7, 10, 5, 20, 15 yards still make up P1 through P5, in that order.

Here is my analysis of the new strings. My comments are in italics.

Stage 1
Start Position: Shooter Position 1
24 rounds total All Shot from P1

Stage Procedure:
String 1 (12 shots): Load exactly 6 rounds in the firearm. Draw and fire 2 shots to each body, re-load from slide-lock and fire 2 shots at each head.
This sort of combines strings 1 through 4 of the old stage 1, but eliminates 3 head shots.

String 2 (6 shots): Draw and fire 2 shots at each target strong hand only.
Same as old stage 1, string 7.

String 3 (6 shots): Start with firearm in weak hand, pointed down range at a 45 degree down angle, safety may be off but the trigger finger must be out of trigger guard. Fire 2 shots at each target weak hand only.
Same as old stage 1, string 5, except 6 shots instead of 3.
Old stage 1, string 6 (start with back to target, fire 3 rounds, slide lock reload, and 3 more shots) has been eliminated.

Stage 2
Start Position
Shooter Position 2 and Shooter Position 3
The start position for all strings is standing erect with hands naturally at sides.

Stage Procedure:

String 1 (12 shots): Load exactly 6 rounds total in the firearm at P2. Start back to the target, turn, draw and fire 2 rounds to each target, re-load from slide-lock and fire 2 more shots at each target.
Same as old stage 2, string 3.

String 2 (6 shots): From the 10 yard line (P2), draw and fire 2 shots at each target while moving forward. Do not cross the line at P3.
Same as old stage 2, string 1.

String 3 (6 shots): From the 5 yard line (P3), draw and fire 2 shots at each target while retreating from the targets.
Same as old stage 2, string 2.
Old stage 2, string 4 (strong hand only, 6 shots) has been eliminated.

Stage 3
Start Position: Shooter Position 4 and Shooter Position 5
The start position for all strings is standing erect with hands naturally at sides.

Stage Procedure:

String 1 (12 shots): Load exactly 6 rounds total in the firearm at P4. Draw and fire 2 shots at each target using from either side of the barricade, re-load from slide-lock using cover, advance to barrels at the 15 yard line (P5) and fire 2 shots at each target using cover shooting inside of (between) the barrels on either side. Shooters choice. Shooter may not shoot around outside of barrels without incurring a penalty Per 5.1
Similar to stage 3, string 2, except the loaded chamber reload has been replaced with a slide-lock reload, and no kneeling required at position 5.

String 2 (12 shots): Load exactly 6 rounds total in the firearm at P5. Draw and fire 2 shots at each target using cover from
inside of the barrels, re-load from slide-lock using cover, move to the opposite barrels and fire 2 shots at each target using cover from inside the barrels. Shooter may not shoot around outside of barrels without incurring a penalty Per 5.1
New. No kneeling required. Similar to old stage 3, string 1 except for slide-lock reload and moving to the other barrels (barricade).
Old stage 3, string 3 (kneeling behind barrel) has been eliminated.

We'll see how the changes affect matches this year.

If I can figure out how to post a table, I'll put in some round-count info.
I was classified last year (my first), do you need to reclassify at the beginning of every season or does your classification carry forward?

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Changes again. Supposedly the "Tiger Team" was going to make the rule changes of rule changes for the ages. After nearly 2 years and even before the new rules went to print they were making more changes. Now more changes again. I'll pass. I let my membership and SO credentials lapse. I gave it up just being tired of the range lawyers arguing at every match over the stupidest of things. Then you have the die hard IDPA shooter insisting the its real life training for CCW. At a different discipline match that statement was made, to a retired LEO. The question asked by the LEO was how many houses have you cleared and how many warrants have you served? Idiot still stood firm on his statement.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Don P said:
Now more changes again. I'll pass. I let my membership and SO credentials lapse.

My life's priorities have been juggled a bit, so I haven't shot matches in a couple years, but even then, it seems IDPA was bent and determined to shoot themselves in the foot by giving a "Tiger Team" carte blanche to coonfinger the rule book. Unfortunately, IMO, it only dumbed-down the game even further, and the constant rule changes led to a lot of dissatisfied shooters and fewer SOs (that were already hard to come by).

Don P said:
Then you have the die hard IDPA shooter insisting the its real life training for CCW.

Fortunately, I've not seen many of them. And of the ones I have seen, they may be "die hard", but they're typically lifetime Sharpshooter/Expert shooters. I've yet to see a really good shooter claim any shooting game is anything other than a game.

b.m.baumgartner said:
do you need to reclassify at the beginning of every season or does your classification carry forward?

Well, as I wrote earlier, it's been a little while since I've shot a match, but unless they changed that as well, you only need to classify once a year (until you hit Master). So, if you shot a classifier on, say, April 1st, you're good to go until the next April 1st (if you haven't bumped to Master in the meantime).
My life's priorities have been juggled a bit, so I haven't shot matches in a couple years, but even then, it seems IDPA was bent and determined to shoot themselves in the foot by giving a "Tiger Team" carte blanche to coonfinger the rule book. Unfortunately, IMO, it only dumbed-down the game even further, and the constant rule changes led to a lot of dissatisfied shooters and fewer SOs (that were already hard to come by)
I concur with your view on this. I'm surprised they still have feet left to shoot off. Set up folks are even harder to come by for the matches and as some fellow shooter say they have no desire to shoot the fishing vest match (because of the silliness of some of the rules)
My only exposure to the 2017 rules, so far, has been a classifier match.
The -1 zone added to the head will result in everyone having a few seconds added to their scores; everyone was already trying their best to hit the center of the head, so increasing the penalty doesn't change anything.

Same for shots taken at 15-20 yards; everyone was already trying to drop as few points as possible when they were worth a half-second, so doubling the penalty just means more penalty points, not more accuracy.
My score on the 72rd classifier was two seconds slower than the best score I've ever shot on the old 90-rounder, but it was proportionally faster than the last time.

With the rule change that classifier scores in any auto pistol division will count for every auto division, the website will (soon?) show your scores and the date of the most recent score; so, if you are currently a MM and shoot a SS score, your score for that division will be upgraded to SS, but someone wanting to confirm your classification, say, for a sanctioned match, might have to look at all of your division scores to determine your classification for a given division.
Your classification score for SSP is MM, but you shot a SS score in ESP most recently, so your SSP class is also SS.
idpa classifier

We just ran about a dozen shooters through the new classifier. I didn't get a chance to compare everyone's scores as opposed to their previous scores, but I do know one revolver shooter moved from Novice to Marksman.

Interestingly my score at Marksman level was .02 seconds faster then my score from last year. I actually was expecting it to jump considerably more, almost to the point of being bumped to sharpshooter. One thing that did cost me was I made a mental mistake and forgot to switch to head shots after the reload on string one. I fired my first head shot on the body then realized my mistake and switched to head shots so that cost me 5 seconds. Other than that I felt I shot at about my normal level.

Many of the expert level shooters in our club still feel that the new classifier is going to result in a lot more paper masters (classify high but do not shoot at master level in a real match).

I guess time will tell.
We shall see. I am the opposite, Expert by match bump, shoot SS on the old Classifier. Missed out on an opportunity for the 17 Classifier but did not want to shoot in a chill drizzle.
My local club surprised me yesterday by holding a classifier. There was a fair amount of confusion about the changes. I had expected stage 1 to go faster than the old one, with fewer strings, but it didn't. Everyone had to get used to the changes.

Last year, when shooting the classifier, it felt like I was doing well. The result was that I remained at Marksman, but I was just 9 seconds too slow for Sharpshooter. This year, as I was shooting the strings, it felt like I was doing terrible, and when it was over I was still at Marksman, having been 12 seconds too slow for SS. So, I don't really know if the old or new is harder. Seems about the same, I suppose. Missing 2 of the 6 head shots was a killer, costing me 10 seconds right there.

If you want to score well this year, don't get any -5's.
We had more than a few shooters whose string scores were more than double their raw time, due to penalties for points down.