2011 Florida Open Match

Do you guys think I am wasting 200 bucks by entering the 2011 open match in Florida with only a few local matches under my belt? Should I pass and just keep going to the local gun club USPSA matches as I have been doing to get better in this sport? I am dead accurate at my local matches but my speed is way slow. I have the bug now and all I do is shoot in as many local matches I can. I just watched some youtube video on the stages this past match at the 2010 open pistol match and was nervous watching it on the computer. I had no idea that some of the paper targets are moving so dawn fast. I want to compete in a stage 2 or stage 3 match but am not sure if I am ready for that yet. Any feedback would be great guys.

No, you are not wasting money to go to a bigger match. It will be challenging and fun. It will also stretch your capabilities and let you know what to practice. You will get to hang out with a new crowd, see merchandise for sale, and shoot more than you are accustomed to.