2010 NRA Convention To Be A No Carry Zone.


New member
Yep, believe it or not, legal carry of firearms either OC or CC is prohibited at the Charlotte convention.

From the website........

North Carolina State law prohibits the carrying of firearms in the Charlotte Convention Center, the Bojangles Coliseum, and the Time Warner Cable Arena. In addition, the Rules and Regulations of the Charlotte Convention Center prohibit the carrying of firearms in the Center. Pursuant to Time Warner Cable Arena policy, all individuals entering the Arena will be subject to a magnetometer security check.

Link to the website.........


I get to carry very rarely (see my signature line) and was looking forward to doing so in Charlotte.

I attended the 2009 convention in Phoenix and did a combination of CC and OC as did thousands of others and there were no incidents.
Yeah NC has some strange CC laws. While stationed there I found out the hard way it's illegal to carry into a movie theater (or any place you pay admission to get in to)....guess I should have studied their laws a little better. :o
Keep in mind that there is no admission charge to the convention. All NRA members are admitted at no charge, as are uniformed military and LEO's.