2010 Cheyenne Wells Fire Dept Machine Gun Shoot


Friday, April 30, Sat. May 1 and Sunday the 2nd, 2010 is the Cheyenne Wells Colorado Machine Gun Shoot.
You may see video on youtube, www.rmfcsa.org or on www.cheyennewellsfire.com.
It is a gun shoot not a gun show. Reenactors are encouraged to attend. There is 1 1/4 mile of targeting and 500+ yards of firing line. Contact Bob McBride 303-934-1915 or Travis Watson at 719-767-5008
I will sure be there- leaving on thursday to head up

My 2 friends and I will be there-

Its looking like the weather is going to cooperate a lot better
than last year but if it doesn't that is why we built the gun trailer we
shoot from. I am taking my thompson with the Black Dog 22 conversion so I can try the drum mags- Will be a break from shooting the belt feds.

It is the best shoot we go to as far as targets and range-

Wikieup is OK but to hell and gone in the boonies

The Oklahoma shoot has few targets and is only about 350 yards.

Next year we are going to try the Wyoming shoot.