200gr .45 is not very popular...?

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Red Bull

New member
How come the 200gr .45 is not so popular? I notice that most people tend to sway toward the 185gr or the 230gr, but no one stands by the 200gr. It seems like a great compromise to me, like the 124gr 9mm: fast enough to expand rather reliably and quickly but heavy enough to penetrate.
Is there something about it that I don't know that makes it unpopular?
I think that most defensive shooters believe in one of two theories. They go with either light and fast bullets or slow and heavy. In .45acp the 200 gr. is in the middle ground and just doesn't seem to fit either catagory.
With target shooters however the 200 gr lead SWC is very popular.
I like lighter and faster in all calibers BUT .45. In .45 I like the Heavies. 230 grain Hydra Shok is my only choice.

I dont know why - I just like'm that way.
I tried the 185 plus P Hydras - the recoil was a lot sharper - but I did not see improved results on the target medium... Was testing on wetpack. So I elected to stay with the 230s.

Have not tested since then - this was several years ago...

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Not popular?!? :(

I've sent right at 1/2 ton of 200 gr swc cast
downrange in just the last 3 years!!! I've been shooting for over 30 years. Lord knows that the real total might be.

No wonder my UPS man has a sore back and throws rocks at me every time he see me!!! ;)

For me they feed well, are accurate, and inexpensive. Granted... these are target loads, not defensive loads, but I thought I'd jump in anyway...

The only 200 Gr JHP available is the Speer. Used to be known as the "Flying Ashtray" and by all reports worked well. They are now using the Gold Dot bullet in the 200 grain load and it should work just as well.

As to why the weight has not cought on - good question. Might be due to the 230 pills hitting closer to the POI of the standard 1911, while the 185 gives you more speed and is worth the rezeroing required.

I agree with you that it does seem to be the better compromise...


"Hear the voices in my head, swear to God it sounds like
they're snoring." -Harvey Danger, "Flagpole Sitta"
200 gr laser cast swc and 5 grains of red dot is fun to shoot...

as is a 200 gr Hornady truncated cone fmj with 9 grains of aa#5

Personally i'd love to see a 200 gr. Hydra-shock, for RELOADERS.


Fiocchi makes a 200Gr JHP for .45 that the factory specs out at 900fps w/375 ft/lbs. Coming out of my P90 Ruger they sure seem potent!! Very clean shooting too. FWIW.
Heck, I thought the 200 gr semi-wad was the most popular bullet in 45acp. I've been wasting all that time casting them, when I should have been casting some other weight!
I thought 452460 and 452488 was part of the National Anthem? Reddog
Bubba just shakes his head.. as he orders 10,000 pieces 200 grn RN with moly-coat... ;)

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
Hey, let's not get all butthurt over our 200gr pet loads ( ;) I just like using that phrase).
I am talking defenseive loads.
I like Proload's 200gr Gold Dots at just under 1000fps.
But, I have been contemplating the Corbon or Triton 200gr at 1050fps. If only Corbon or Triton used Gold Dot bullets, I would be a happy man. Or, even better, if Proload would bump their velocity up at least 50fps.

I learned on another forum that the .45 ACP was actually designed for the 200 gr load and that the 230 gr came later when they wanted the ACP load to more match the .45 Long Colt load, which was a 230 gr. Anyway, I like the 200gr because it performs best out of my short barreled Glock 30.

Bubba -
Do you order from Billy Bullets out of Arizona? I am placing my first order for his Moly coated bullets. I can't decide between the 200gr or the 225 gr.
Billy Bullets' 225 gr Moly coated target bullet was "designed" by a guy I know at Dillon Precision for optimum accuracy.
Red Bull,

I ordered mine from Magnus Bullets in Alabama. www.magnusbullets.com Don't let the web prices get you. In qty, he will make a great deal. He is pretty swamped right now. Gonna be about 3 weeks for delivery. But he promised to ship me enough to get me through The Republic of Texas IDPA Championships on his dime. I like that kind of service.

And FYI, UPS shipping rates are MUCH better when you get up over 100 pounds. All 10,000 rounds are shipping to me for $69. And that is close to 320 pounds of lead.

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
I am new to this forum, in fact this is my second post, but i have to chime in on this topic. I shoot Hornady 200 gr, XTP's in front of 5.7 gr. of W231. They are most accurate and expand to about .73".

"No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority" - Thomas Jefferson
Red Bull:

There is actually a rhyme to why ProLoad keeps their 200grs at about 1000fps.

If I remember correctly, penetration characteristics actually improve at a slightly lower velocity in this instance. The decreased velocity allows the Gold Dot bullet to travel deeper into tissue before expanding so that overall penetration improves.

This means you get less flash, less recoil, AND better penetration. Remember that two holes (entry and exit) are better than one!

Street Smart Professional Equipment
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