I think you're splitting hairs. Also, unless you know what velocity applies to your pistol, relying on published velocities might not be a true representation of what your Glock does. But hey, maybe those are YOUR velocities and I'm wrong.
I saw your other post re a "woods" load BTW. My conclusion was that yoiu were looking for a "bear" load, but I hate to mention it, cause the thread will start to spin, but... If I were carrying a G20 for last ditch protection against big hairy carnivore beasties, I would shoot the 200 gt TMJ bullet as hot as I could get it. Note that I have read that the CCI 200 TMJ Blazer is a mild load and does not deliver 10mm performance like it should. Another option is the bouitique ammo shops that load hot hard cast 200's.
For everything else except paper punching/practice, I would find a 180 gr JHP that shot to point of aim.
My own practice, since I don't live in big bear country, is to shoot 180 JHP for everything, except I have a some FMJ 180's that were cheaper for practice. That makes life pretty simple with a stock G20 and fixed sights.
The 180's go to the same place as I drive them at the same veloctiy with same load, etc. I am not certain that my G20 would print 200's to the same point of aim.
The G20 makes a good hard use auto, lots of punch, ammo in hand, compact. It is not a plinker, to expensive and loud for that, but for SD/GP use it is a favorite of mine.