20" IC Barrel with Rifle Sights ???


New member
Cabela's has 'em for the 870 in the Express finish for $105. I know the Mossberg 18.5" barrel is only $80, but I would like a matching finish. I'm willing to pay the extra $25 for it.

Here are some questions. Any input you can provide will be most appreciated.

1) Is this the most economical way to turn a regular 870 Express into a more functional 870 for HD?

2) Will this barrel shoot everything? From lead shot to steel shot to slugs?

3) Since I want the barrel to double as an HD barrel, is the IC the best choice?

4) What are the effective range differences for slugs between the IC barrel and the fully rifled one (the only two short barrels that come in an Express finish)? I've only hunted deer with a rifle up till now, but this info might be of interest to me.

5) Are the rifle sights pretty good ones?
1, No. hacksawing your present bbl is cheaper. Not better, but cheaper.This is next.

2,Yes, assuming it has a 3" chamber.

3,Probably. Choke is meaningless at typical HD ranges.

4, The fully rifled bbls have some advantage in range over the smoothbores, assuming correct loads for each. However, most Eastern deer hunting is well within the limits imposed by the smoothbore bbl. My average slug shot runs about 35 yards...

5, they're OK. On short bbls, the sight radius is not much more than that of handguns, but they'll do.
Thanks Dave.

You're certainly right about the hacksaw being cheaper, but I'd like to save the long barrel, especially since it has the Remchoke. It just seems wrong to chop off a barrel that is perfect for dove or duck hunting.

One more question for anyone: Are the sights on the short barrel adjustable?
The sights adjustable but they are certainly not precision sights. The rear can be moved for windage and elevation. I have mine set up for Brenneke slugs to the point of aim at 50 yards.