20/20 Cops selling guns


New member
I just watched a report on the TV news magazine 20/20. The report was about the Indianapolis Sheriff's dept auctioning off confiscated firearms. The gist of this report was that this was a terrible thing, putting guns back on the street that had already been used in a crime. The report also mentioned that only licensed dealers could buy these guns. The only example of one of these guns being used illegally again told of the son of a dealer who stole a 22 auto from his father and brought it to school. BTW: Kid got caught, no shots fired and nobody hurt.
What I found interesting was the fact that these were labeled "Bad" guns because they had already been used in a crime once before. Exactly what makes a gun bad? Was it abused as a child? Was it addicted to drugs? Does the gun even understand that it has been bad? Why does the media keep trying to assign human qualities to inanimate objects?

"Why does the media keep trying to assign human qualities to
inanimate objects? "

Because it works, plain and simple. It evokes emotional, non rational thoughts instead of logic. The point is not to present unbiased fact, its to promote an agenda and to convince those people who don't use their God-given brains.

Just like in New Orleans, the problem was not that the cops sold off the guns, its the utter and shameless hypocracy shown by Mayor Morial and the city councilmen. The cops needed to update their sidearms, cool, they did it without spending more tax monies.
Just wait til they start demonizing the "bad" Craftsman tools seized from chop-shops ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I can see it now:

1. Gun safe ad - 'Use an Acme Safe - don't help a good gun go bad!'
2. "'Good Gun, Bad Gun' - the true story of a pistol's carefree childhood, shattered by its use in a liquor store robbery gone bad. Starring Alec Baldwin, as the pisstol, and Susan Sarandon who unloads his magazine and brings him back to a saner society."
3. LEO's adopt a new, terrifying interview technique ; 'Good Gun / Bad Gun'.
4. 'Big Bad Gun' - a new hit on the charts, performed by a Tennessee Ernie Ford lookalike.

As usual, DC cuts to the chase. No sense in looking for logic here - this is shameless pandering to people unwilling or unable to consider the logic (or lack thereof) of what they are fed. Pure emotionalism, which of couse leads to 'feel good' laws.
I think number 3 may hold promise as an interview technique.
I don't think the ACLU would like it though.

The only Bad Gun is one that doesn't work as Designed.
I saw that show too, and was thoroughly disgusted. It was the shoddiest, stupidest piece of biased 'reporting' I've seen in a while. Y'all hit it, they blamed the gun, not the fool that pulled the trigger. With the exception of the stupid kid who stole from his father (who should be flogged for not training his kid and leaving teh guns accessible), they didn't follow how the guns got into the wrong hands or what happened to the perps after the fact. It's real clear that existing laws were broken/didn't work, so why on earth do they think more laws are the answer?

Fortunately, I'm just visiting this planet and get to go home soon. You Earthers aren't a bad bunch, you've just got a lot of enchephalization and evolving to do. Ah'rggghak nahushnya. M2
A whole lot here for a strange person like myself.
Suppose they had sold the guns and donated the proceeds to a shelter for abused women and children.There would have been a media frenzy proclaiming an idea whose time had come.
There is another side to it. Law enforcement is a business and they are constantly looking for money.

Better days to be,

I tuned in about halfway through the report, and I, too, am disgusted with this. Do we melt down cars of people caught DUI? Same logic.

I kept waiting for them to bring up the hypocracy of the city of New Orleans in suing gun manufacturers for flooding the city with cheap guns when they sell off their confiscated weapons, too. Nary a word.
Hey, didn't catch the propaganda but did read about it in the paper today. Did they mention on the show that the proceeds go towards firearms training for the LEO's. Stop the sales and the county will have to come up with another $150,000.

So far the reaction of people is 80% in favor of the auctions.

Here is the County Sheriffs website http://www.indygov.org/mcsd/ and a page to provide feedback: http://www.indygov.org/mcsd/misc/feedback.htm.
