2 things will restore the 2nd Amendment in this country.


New member
1. Prior to every election, each gun owner express your belief in the 2nd Amendment as possible, that you will vote for the candidate who is the biggest 2nd Amendment supporter.

2. Each gun owner, vote on election day for the political candidate who is the biggest 2nd Amendment supporter.

We do not need the NRA, GOA, etc.. We do not need to attend rallies or dinners. We do not need to donate money to any groups. We do not need to lobby anyone. If each of the 80+ million gun owners would simply express their 2nd Amendments demands and then follow up by voting for the candidate with the best 2nd Amendment candidate, within two to three years, every politician would be fighting over each other to eliminate gun control laws and restore the 2nd Amendment to its original intention. Explain this to every gun owner you know, and then that person do the same, etc...
Gun rights are very important, but they're not the only rights. Dont forget the first amendment. All the guns in the world wont do us any good if we let our goverment take away all our other rights in the name of "homeland security" :barf:
I have been geting my family tree familiarized with the cantadites for the 2nd ammendment and the clostest one would be Huckabee, oh yeah so many people dont like him well he is about the only chance we got because Paul and Thompson are FAR behind.
Communicate! Communicate! Communicate!

•Write physical paper notes to your reps in government at all levels.

All you need point out to your rep is that you believe that the Second Amendment means what it says and that you expect your rep to uphold each amendment in Bill of Rights. After all, the text of the 2A does not say "A well-ordered hunting party…" The 2A specifically addresses the individual's ("…right of the people…") access to military-pattern arms. Who knows what military-pattern arms will look like in the future? [I'm sure some pranksters here will be happy to post their ideas about this!] The genius of the 2A—and of The Constitution in general—is that the document adapts itself to each new age through time. Set aside a fraction of the time it takes to read and post here at TFL and hold your reps' feet to the fire!

•Identify people who would make enthusiastic and responsible shooters and take them to the range.

My experience here has been that there are plenty of people whom we might otherwise identify as 'liberals' who really take to shooting. Take 'em out and give the bug to them. For me it works every time.
Restore or Reconstruct?

Are we talking about the original intent of the 2nd, or are we talking about a radical view of the 14th? Somehow my impression is that "restore the 2nd to its original intent" really means "reconstruct the 2nd so that it empowers the federal government to strike down state/local gun laws".
1. Prior to every election, each gun owner express your belief in the 2nd Amendment as possible, that you will vote for the candidate who is the biggest 2nd Amendment supporter.

2. Each gun owner, vote on election day for the political candidate who is the biggest 2nd Amendment supporter.

There's fatal flaws in these premises:

1. Everybody has different beliefs in the 80million gun ownersof the meaning of the 2A.
2. Each gun owner has a different opinion on who the biggest 2A supporter is.
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These are all great ideas but whatever you do, VOTE. I really get tired of people bitching about the government and when you ask them who they voted for they answer that they didn't vote because they didn't like anyone. If you don't vote keep you mouth shut. If you don't want to vote for any cantidate then write you own name in. At least exercise your RIGHT to vote. If you aren't hoing to exercise your right to vote then don't bother to exercise you right to carry arms.
If each of the 80+ million gun owners would simply express their 2nd Amendments demands and then follow up by voting for the candidate with the best 2nd Amendment candidate,

Unfortunately, all of the 80+ million gun owners don't believe in the 2nd Amendment. We can't even get the 3 million NRA members, who are among the most pro-gun Americans around, to agree on what the 2nd Amendment protects. The members of this very forum cannot agree on the 2nd Amendment.

One person's "reasonable gun control" is another person's complete handgun ban.
I Hope the Supreme Court figures out how to read on a 6th grade education level and can read the 2nd amendment as written!:D

The fiasco of "In A Well Regulated Militia" There was no standing Army back then, There Was the Preamble " We The People"

They just need to get over the fact that our founding fathers meant us to be ARMED!

It was part of the Back up system, to keep us safe!

Viva United States Of America!:D
All the guns in the world wont do us any good if we let our goverment take away all our other rights in the name of "homeland security"
And nothing will stop the government from taking away the rest of our rights "in the name of homeland security" except for the government knowing that its "subjects" won't go easy...aka armed.
ese are all great ideas but whatever you do, VOTE. I really get tired of people bitching about the government and when you ask them who they voted for they answer that they didn't vote because they didn't like anyone. If you don't vote keep you mouth shut. If you don't want to vote for any cantidate then write you own name in. At least exercise your RIGHT to vote. If you aren't hoing to exercise your right to vote then don't bother to exercise you right to carry arms.

You got that right. I want to figuratively back-hand people that don't vote then gripe...:barf::mad:

Now, back to the 2 simple rules of electing a 2A supporting president...
And nothing will stop the government from taking away the rest of our rights "in the name of homeland security" except for the government knowing that its "subjects" won't go easy...aka armed.

No offense, but when I see how even the "freedom-loving" gun crowd has applauded (and in many cases supported) the dismantling of the rest of the Bill of Rights in the name of the War on Terror, I am not too confident that a lot of them will defend anything except their right to have a gun.
The 2nd Amendment will never, ever be allowed to be restored to it's past stature. This contest is over the proverbial line in the sand and nothing more. The odds are great that the two candidates who eventually square off for the big prize will both be from NYC and have a history of staunch anti-2nd support. And I for one, won't be holding my breath waiting for any relief from the supreme court.......Certainly, don't give up, but be realistic. Jr. had majority's in both house's and still told the libs he'd be more than happy to extend the AWB if only they could deliver it to his desk. I absolutely took him at his word and believe he would've made his daddy proud. And now with the probability high for an ultra-liberal commander in chief and dem's in control of both houses, well just do the math............................................:eek:
Gun rights are important but there's other issues just as important. Voting on the 2A only is almost as bad as not voting at all. Even if the dems get the White House I don't think we'll have a total gun ban. It may get tougher to get/own some guns but what worries me more about dems has nothing to do with guns.
Marko Kloos said:
No offense, but when I see how even the "freedom-loving" gun crowd has applauded (and in many cases supported) the dismantling of the rest of the Bill of Rights in the name of the War on Terror, I am not too confident that a lot of them will defend anything except their right to have a gun.
Not to be kissing up to a moderator, but...


The other problem is that far too many gun owners don't understand the true purpose of the Second Amendment. It's extremely politically-incorrect to point it out, but the Second Amendment is basically about overthrowing a corrupt and tyrannical government through guerrilla warfare, just as the Founding Fathers did with the British.

Are we at the point where that needs to be done? No way. And I hope we never reach that point. But it could happen, and that's why we need to protect our rights to own combat weapons, not just hunting rifles and range toys. Each of us has a duty to be prepared for anything the future might bring. We cannot allow combat-worthy weapons to be removed from our hands. (Granted, I think powerful sniper/bolt rifles used at a distance would be of more value in such a conflict than ARs and AKs -- but that's another issue.)

Our Constitution outlines a system of checks and balances to keep government from becoming too powerful; the Second Amendment is the final check on that power. But again, as Markos and others have pointed out, rights to free speech, privacy, etc., are extremely important as well. Too bad voting is only of use when one of the candidates supports the Constitution.
I agree

I read post after post on this and other boards where the same folks who push everyone to never let our 2nd amendment right get messed with support every action taken in the name of Homeland Security. They seem to have no problems with required ID cards, having their email or phone monitored and complete support the Patriot Acts. They support the same people who will claim the need to insure the terrorists are unarmed by disarming everyone but the security forces. It only takes a presidential edict to temporarily implement such a plan to protect the nation. And every LEO organization will be in full support of the plan.
I am pro gun...

but if a candidate I'm looking at is a religious nut case, and socially backwards (ie: against gay marrige etc.) You can bet I'm not voting for them. I don't care what the majority religion is, freedom of religion means freedom FROM religion as well.


EDIT: That also goes for fear mongering goons who take away our freedoms in the name of "securty".
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