2 Questions on BP substitites


I recently purchased an 1860 New Army, fired it up during Memnoral Day, loved it. 1st question, I used Pyrodex powder and pellets, pellets are 30 grain but booklet calls for 28 grains if using loose powder. What is the difference between loose and pellets. 2nd, after my father passed aways he had some BP items one was a small container of 777, was never opened. My mom gave it to me knowing I am into this thing now..(was years ago too) but I noticed it was 2Fg not 3. It seemed to fire ok I used 24 grains on a few then 28 on a couple of rounds but it seemed to lack the "kick or power" of the pyrodex. Is it ok to use maybe just for plinking purposes? Anyway I'm hooked AGAIN and plan to add to the collection..
If it's a steel frame forget about what the booklet says. 30 grains is a good load. Loose powder performs better than pellets. If you use Triple 7 reduce it by at least 15% because it's hotter.

I can't help you with the pellets, they're more expensive than loose, so I don't bother, but as to 777, I've used from 2f to 4f in my ROA and all worked fine, read the label; lightly compress and the 2f should be as hot if not hotter than pistol Pyrodex. 777 is grain for grain hotter by about 15% than real B/p or Pyro. It tends to burn with less fowling and cleans with water. If unopeded the subs will last a very long time, after opening they tend to degrade. Real B/p lasts a very long time and even if it gets wet, dried out it'll still burn effectively. People have been killed from civil war cannon balls and antiques left loaded.
pyrodex has one chemical formulation. the only difference is the granule sizes to get the desired burn rates.

the pellets are safe for your steel frame guns. although they are over the pyrodex max load data, they are safe because they have been tested. I have an idea that pyrodex doesnt burn as fast in big solid form.
I'd just stick with Pyrodex "P". It's granulationis consistant and it cleans-up easilly. I have had the best luck with "P" in all my revolvers and if you need to use a substitute, it's the one!