2 questions about a SBS

Deja vu

New member
1. If I move I have to have the address that is engraved on the gun changed correct?

2. (this is the one I am worried about) I live in Idaho but my Favorite place to shoot is in Oregon (short drive away) I know I have to fill out the form to temporarily transport the SBS to Oregon but on the form it asks for a address where the gun will be at in Oregon. I wont be staying any where in Oregon because it is not much of a drive. The Place is shoot is just a big patch of empty land that has no address. What do I put in this box?

I hope you understand the questions. I don't have the gun yet but I am very strongly considering getting this the gun from my local Class III dealer. I still need to fill out the form 4 paper work to transfer... I know I will have to wait.
Everywhere has an address, look it up. Just put I routinely shoot at location X and want to transport via personal vehicle routinely through out the 2011 calendar year, then do another one next year.
1. If I move I have to have the address that is engraved on the gun changed correct?

No. You simply have to notify the ATF of the address change.

2. I live in Idaho but my Favorite place to shoot is in Oregon (short drive away) I know I have to fill out the form to temporarily transport the SBS to Oregon but on the form it asks for a address where the gun will be at in Oregon. I wont be staying any where in Oregon because it is not much of a drive. The Place is shoot is just a big patch of empty land that has no address. What do I put in this box?
That part is for if you are permanently moving. Put your home address in that box too since when the ATF Form 5320.20 expires that is where the guns will be. (That is what I have been told, lets see if someone else corrects me.)
I have a few more questions. If I buy the gun online do I have to have the serial number from the gun before I fill out the form 4 to send to the ATF?

The gun is all ready made so it will be a transfer.

If I pay for the gun does the dealer hold on to the gun until I pass the form 4?

p.s. is http://www.hatchergun.com a decent company and is there going to be any problem sending it from Nebraska to Idaho?
Todd Hatcher is a personal friend, he can get busy at times, his work will be fine, make sure you understand from him the time frame to get a shotgun done.

You are not making the gun, he is, you will put no markings on the gun ever, he will. If you buy a gun he provided, there will be a dealer to dealer transfer from Todd to your local NFA dealer in Idaho, this takes about 4 wks once the gun is finished, then your dealer in Idaho fills out the form 4s to you including the serial number and all information on you and the gun. You get the CLEO signoff, you do the fingerprint cards, you fill out the citizenship certificate, and you pay your dealer what ever fee he charges. You send this packet to the BATFE and wait 3-6 months. If your background is ok, and you paid more than $25 for a transfer dealer then he did not screw up and you can take home your gun.

The other option is you provide a gun to Todd or any other license manuf. send it to them for the work, they register, modify, and form 4 direct back to you across state lines without the need of a local dealer in your state. You are asking for a custom built heirloom piece not WalMart crap do not be upset if this process takes a year to finish.

At this point the travel to and from another state is so far out it's is not worth the brain cells to think about. That will be easy later on.
Yeah I know this is will take some time...

Thanks for the help! As said I am a newbie to this whole process.

Thank you for explaining how the transfer works.