2 guys attack a guy in a wheelchair and one winds up dead.

Criminals are losing more and more of what little amount of decency they have. This is a very strong argument against gun control.

That guy is dead due to HIS decisions. Sucks to be him doesn't it? I applaud the man in the wheel chair!! Nice shootin Tex!
Nice shootin Tex!

It's good shooting. There's no such thing as nice shooting.

And I agree. 1 less punk that we've got to worry about.

Nice job vic on protecting yourself when the authorities weren't around to do it for you.

Great story, another Floridian who prepared himself and did not what he wanted but what he needed to do to defend himself. Hopefully this will deter a significant number of BGs from trying similar home invasions.
Thank God Mr Wroblewski was ok. I sure this will be on his mind for a long time.
This is typical of criminals. Like wild dogs, they prey on what they believe to be the weak!
Thankfully, we have the right to even out an uneven fight!

I thought this was kind of interesting!!
"The second suspect, who fled after his partner was shot, was caught Tuesday after a tip led police to his whereabouts.
He will face felony murder charges, because his partner was killed during a crime he was a part of."

Once again "CRIME DOESN"T PAY"!
Then Wroblewski said he got another shock. He looked at the man he shot, who was wearing a bandanna. The man resembled someone who had pestered him for help over the last couple of months after wandering through his neighborhood. The man, officers said, was 24-year-old Jeffrey Kenney and, in fact, it was Kenney who attacked Wroblewski.



Sorry. Had to. Bad Jim.
So How many of you answer the door with a gun on you or within reach? While these stories bring about emotional responses I think it is important to remember what we can learn from them.

I have a large glass window next to the door so I can see who is there, plus my doors are basically giant windows that open as well so getting a good view of who is there is easy. If I am not expecting some one then I go prepared.
Grubbylabs, unless I know the person at the door, or am expecting a package then I answer the door with my pistol on me, or near me.

Call me paranoid, but I feel better answering the door to a stranger when I am armed. YMMV
And you are exactly right to do so. I think we need to spend a little more time figuring out what we can learn from examples like this and less time saying how great it was that he had to take a life.

For example, I think it said he new the guy because he came to the door once before. Should his previous behavior have thrown up some red flags?
This truly is a case of a domestic terrorist...picking on a guy in a wheelchair. How low can one go? A friend who is a near-retirement LEO keeps telling me that people are crazy to go out of their homes unarmed. He never mentioned about being armed while staying home. I will have to give this story to him to see if he doesn't add this to what he says.

It appears that no matter who you are or where you are, expect trouble to find you and one best be prepared as this wheelchair bound gentleman was deal with it.
--this part redacted due to post being referenced being removed--

On topic: This man must read these forums. He answered the door with his firearm. He also positions his wheelchair so that the opening door would not wheel him backwards. He must have trained to fire from laying on the ground, because he landed three shots from that position. This guy was trained. Two punks picked the wrong house that night.
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Wroblewski showed Eyewitness News on Tuesday how he lined up the wheels of his wheelchair so the intruders weren't able to roll him backwards and get in. But, he said, when he cracked the door open, one of them pushed him over onto the floor and that's when he fired three shots.

“Can you describe how you felt at the moment you opened fire? What was going on in your mind at that point?” WFTV reporter Kathi Belich asked.

“Self preservation,” Wroblewski replied.

+1 At the moment you're under attack, your only thoughts seem to revolve around surviving and stopping the attack.

“I don't relish or take any pleasure in killing people, that's for sure. I basically try to mind my own business, but it just doesn't seem to work very well sometimes,” Wroblewski said.

+100 Mr. Wroblewski did not go looking for trouble. He was in his own home, minding his own business. He answered his door prepared for possible trouble and defended himself when attacked.

I have zero sympathy for the perps here. The deceased thug will never commit another crime or terrorize some helpless person. Gonzalez, the 18 y/o is apparently still young enough to learn a life-changing lesson here. Here's to hoping he'll straighten up his life after his jail term.
This truly is a case of a domestic terrorist...picking on a guy in a wheelchair. How low can one go?

Not terrorism. Wow.

Completely irrelevant question as it isn't a concern for bad guys. They have no fear of people harboring disdain for them and their target choices.

Selecting a target because of an obvious physical handicap, in this case being in a wheelchair, means that the intended victim is less likely to be able to mount a good defense and hence the robber is less likely to be harmed and less likely to fail. Robbing fully able-bodied people means there is a greater risk to the criminal than robbing those that are not, so this is a smart decision to make, generally speaking. Obviously, Kenny didn't have sufficient intel to know that Wroblewski was more capable of self defense than he appeared and it cost Kenny his life.

On topic: This man must read these forums. He answered the door with his firearm.

People have been answering doors with firearms long before there were forums.

He also positions his wheelchair so that the opening door would not wheel him backwards.

Yep, I have seen other wheelchair bound people do this.

He must have trained to fire from laying on the ground, because he landed three shots from that position. This guy was trained.

He might have trained or might have had training, but the fact that he landed shots from the floor does not mean or indicate he did either. Proximity negates the need for skill. He was knocked over in the entry hall and Kenny was trying to come in through the entry hall and hence approaching or passing in very close proximity to Wroblewski.
This is why my grandmother carries a 357 in her purse at all times. Thugs don't have the respect for life or people to let an 84 year old woman go by without trouble.. they see her as an easy target. Good for the handicap man!
Bravo for defending his life and the sanctity of his household. And +1 for the accomplice being charged with murder, in addition to charges related to the attempted break-in/robbery.

A few questions I'd like to know the answers to:

1) Indeed the anchorwoman said both "revolver" and "shot gun" I wonder if it was a Judge or similar.

2) What did the Mr. W see when he shot? How did he physiologically respond to the attack?

a) were his eyes open or closed?
b) did he see the front sight? has he or was he ever trained to do so?
c) did he simply point and squeeze? what inputs drove his decision to stop at 3?
d) how was his vision?
e) how was his confidence/attitude/heart rate answering the door, anticipating a conflict? was it better or worse having the revolver?

3) Once police were called, what did he do with the gun? How did police handle the situation upon arrival?

4) Assuming the police took the gun (standard practice), how long will it be until it is returned? Does he have a backup?
When i lived in Huntington WV i ended up having to buying security camera's because our cars kept getting broken into.After installing the first 2,and some limited success i installed 2 more for the front porch.I hooked them up to every tv in the house so no matter which room i was in i would be able to see anyone on or around my front/back porch.I caught several gang fights,cars including mine getting broken into,and 8 teens vandalizing 20 cars/a pontoon boat/and 2 motorcycles.Each and every time i would give my tapes to the police and nothing was done,so i started sending them to the local tv station and after that everything on my street stopped.Out of all that happened to us or on my street,i don't remember seeing one person over 17.Infact the police had said some of the kids that were caught on my camera's were as young as 10 and 11.

I have moved and live in the country but i still keep my camera's up and rolling 24/7.The other day was laying on the couch and i heard the little next door neighbor kids hanging around our front porch,i flipped my tv over to aux and caught the little creatures trying to teach my 2 year old how to flip people the bird while using profanity(my camera's have audio as well).I promptly told them to leave and not comeback.

I use all my camera's and i tell every one i know to get them,just make sure they are night vision and have sound.