1st vs 2nd, again


Staff Alumnus
From Fox News:

Museum lawyer calls fund cutoff 'First Amendment catastrophe'
12.38 p.m. ET (1645 GMT) October 8, 1999

By Tom Hays, Associated Press

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
NEW YORK (AP) — Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's decision to pull a multimillion-dollar subsidy for a Brooklyn museum because of an exhibit he found offensive "is a First Amendment catastrophe," a museum lawyer charged today.

During a federal court hearing, attorney Floyd Abrams compared the city's response to the controversial "Sensation" exhibit to a book burning. He said threats to cut off financing and evict the Brooklyn Museum of Art from a city-owned building were "a form of destruction of free expression."

"It is no less evil than burning a painting," he said.

City attorneys were to respond later during the hearing on the museum's lawsuit accusing the city of violating its constitutional right to free speech. [/quote]

OK, let me see if I've got this straight: Los Angeles prohibits privately-funded gun shows on county property, and the lawyers don't say jack. Rudy cuts off public funding for a privately-owned museum, and the lawyers scream about Constitutional rights.

"First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." --Bill Shakespeare

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
My advice to attorney Floyd Abrams and his clients at the Brooklyn Museum is to feel free to express yourselves as freely as you want, ... just do it on your own dime!
As I understand it, the First Amendment guarantees your freedom of speech (or in this case expression). It does not guarantee that it be subsidized with our taxes.
Whoops. Sorry, Futo. Didn't mean to cast aspersions upon ya.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
When they destroy the Second Amendment There ain't gonna be no First Amendment!

I can understand lawyers saying whatever. What really gets me are the people on the street protesting Mayor Guiliani for his "infringement" of the 1st Amendment.

Where in the constitution does it say the government has to use taxpayer's money to fund someone's expression. It shows how little these people understand our bill of rights.
The Smithsonian Museum is publicly funded. Should it never, ever, have anything controversial on exhibit?

Alternatively: Should controversial items be exhibited ONLY in totally private museums?

Should there never be any differences of opinion on art? Cars, horses, or guns?

Should public agencies only take actions when there is 100% agreement among the public at large?

:), Art
I agree, except. If the court can say that a Cross, Nativity Scene, Star of David, Etc. violates the "Seperation of Church and State"

How Can a Picture of the Virgin Mary be allowed in a Goverment funded Museum? Are You saying that while it's wrong to support Religion with Goverment funds, its okay to defile it with the same funds???

Seems to me that you can't have it both ways.