1st Visit to a Cowboy Shoot


New member
Boy was it a windy and cold shoot but not all that unexpected for Wyoming. We were just wandering around checking out the carts and gear when aproached by a couple who took us under their wing :) The shoot was a 6 stage pony express national shoot where your scores are sent in to SASS and compiled with everybody nationwide.

We just wandered around and talked to lots of people, without a doubt CAS people are some of the nicest around. Had a good time just meandering the range talking to people and watching the different stages.

Only problem was that I've hopelessly fallen in love with the Yellowboy (VBG) The wifey poo also really had a good time and she is thinking about letting me whip out the visa and get two pistols (Vaqueros or Bisleys), a Yellowboy and Stoeger 12ga SxS all in one fatal swoop, not to mention the leathergear.

Think we will go with the 38 spl for pistols and rifle as it's the cheapest cal to buy ammo for. In our apartment I'm never going to find room to stuff a reloading press, unless the wifey lets me chuck the dinning room table and I really don't see that happening yet ;)

http://www.dd-b.net/RKBA/ http://www.tcsn.net/doncicci/freedom.htm http://home.earthlink.net/~spwenger/spwenger.html
Howdy Joey - Sounds like you've been bitten by the cowboy bug alright. Just a thought on the reloading aspect of it. Noticed from your bio that you are military. I also did 23 years in the service. Over those years the ammo requirement for my various shooting sports financially required that I reload.

With frequent moves, sometimes small temporary quarters, etc., having a place to set up the reloading equipment was often a problem. My solution to it was to buy a Dillon 550 machine and keep it in a box with the associated gear and reloading components. The box took up about the same space as a large vacumn cleaner in the closet.

About once every 3 or 4 months, I'd get it out for a weekend and reload enough ammo for the next few months. I just C-clamped it to a couple of 2x4's placed over and under any handy table. Then it went back in the box in the closet. Depends how much you shoot of course, by my Dillon paid for itself in ammo savings in less than a year.

The more you get into this sport, the more attractive reloading is going to become. Best of luck, and welcome cowboy.

"Go armed to the teeth and comport yourself most politely".
Old Stogie
Joey, glad you and wife had a good time. I am also fortunate enough to have both my wife and her sister involved. Three sets of guns and three times the bullets. So, we all use same .38 special ammo. Does save on the pocket book. Lots of family fun.