1st Project Appleseed


New member
I completed my 1st Project Appleseed this past weekend. I have been interested in the program for several years. This year many things came together at the right time allowing me to participate. It was a very humbling, but rewarding experience.

I recently assembled a dedicated 22lr upper receiver to pair with my Anderson/Magpul/PSA lower. This is what I chose to use for the event. The couple of failures I experienced throughout the weekend were my own, not the rifle or ammunition I chose. My rifle presented some challenges during the timed, multi magazine stages of the AQT, but through the course of the weekend, I was able to adapt.

I started out the weekend with iron sights. Unfortunately, my eyesight has deteriorated quite a bit in the last couple of years. After some careful consideration, I added my 4x32 Simmons later Sunday morning. It made a huge difference. The slowest part of the qualifier was giving me the biggest problems. I was losing sight of the smallest targets while focusing on the front sight post. It's hard to put rounds on a target you can't see.

By the end of Sunday, I qualified for my Rifleman's badge with a score of 212. I also earned a 2nd badge for clearing the "Redcoat" target.

I thought I was a pretty good shot before. I knew I could be much better. Appleseed gave me the tools and and a foundation to build upon. Money well spent.

Do any of you care to share your experiences?
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I appreciate you sharing your experience. I've been wanting to do one, but there's always something in the way.
I can relate to things getting in the way.

The weekend was physically demanding. I slept like a baby both nights. You spend the weekend learning and practicing shooting positions from standing to seated to prone repeatedly. I'm in good shape and I'm not too sore today, but the up and down wasn't easy.
I did one several years ago. It was during another ammo shortage (after Sandy Hook maybe?), so I only did the first of two days.

I used a 10/22 with Tech-Sights. I did not achieve the rifleman score, but the experience helped improve my shooting. I'd never had ANY kind of shooting instruction before (aside from firearms safety class as a kid).

I've been tempted to go again when I can do both days, but something always keeps that from happening. I would likely use a low-powered scope next time. My eyes aren't bad overall, but I had a rare condition years ago that caused a small distortion in my dominant eye. It gives iron sights a slight bend... doesn't seem to matter as much with scopes.
Here was my qualifying target. A fair amount of room for improvement there, but it was enough for the Rifleman badge.


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Here was my Redcoat target. It was my best shooting of the weekend.


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My Son and I attended an Appleseed about 8 years ago. We both enjoyed it very much. Learned a lot. I made Rifleman early on the second day. Only two of us on the line made it that weekend. My Son came within a couple points, but didn't quite get there. I'd like to try again, maybe even this year.
It took me til the bitter end to make Rifleman. There were only 3 of us. 1 of the other guys made it earlier. At one point, he and I accidentally shot at each other's targets messing up each other's scores.
Good Job on badging out. I have always wanted to attend one of these events (more so for my girlfriend as i think she would take the instruction differently when it isn't from me). Did everyone fire 22LR? Is it okay to use a 22 WMR?
Thanks Adventurer 2! I had been wanting to attend one of these events for about 5 years. I envisioned enjoying it with my kids, but they just aren't interested...yet. hopefully they come around while my blood still flows warm.

Caliber permitted depends on the particular range that is hosting the event. In my case, I could have used just about anything. At my event, the shoot boss brought several air rifles and his helper shot a memorial volley fire with a centerfire AR-15. The participants, myself included, all used 22lr. The group was small at my event and the other 2 guys were shooting Ruger 10-22's.
Keep in mind, that the weekend event can take 3-500+ rounds of ammunition. I think that's why alot of folks choose 22lr for the event. It's just more cost effective and you're shooting at something like 27 meters with scaled down targets to represent farther ranges.
I asked about the 22 WMR as i would let two other people use my two 22LRs rifles. Maybe i load up 500 rounds of 38 Special semi-wadcutters and bring my Ruger 77/357?
Hmm - which would you bring? A bolt action 22 WMR or a bolt action 77/357?
I only own one shooting mat, which i will let someone else use. I do have some camping mats (better than nothing).
I used an old foam yoga mat. Like you said, better than nothing. As far as which bolt rifle, that's your call. I don't have any experience with 22wmr and only a tiny bit of 38/357 out of a revolver. Using a bolt action will be more of a challenge, so I would take whichever rifle I could operate the bolt quicker with. Time works against you. Even with my semi, I failed to fire all my rounds more than once.
Well, I finally attended an Appleseed. Required to wear long pants and long sleeves. It was a hot two days. I brought an extreme cooler loaded with water and food that I left in the bed of my truck making it easy to venture to during breaks.
Lost some skin on my support elbow from the prone position. I was using a canvas sheet over the concrete pad. My girlfriend used my padded shooting mat and she still lost some skin off her elbows.
I learned the proper way to use a sling from the sitting and prone positions. I’m sure I’m not going to wrap a sling loop around my bicep in the future but I do appreciate knowing how to do it. I am a hasty sling shooter, always have been and probably always will be.
The time constraints would make a bolt action rifle a challenge so I brought my 10/22. It’s scoped with a 2-7 Vortex scope. My 10/22 has a match barrel and is ammo sensitive (prone to not extracting a round). My 10/22 shoots Aguilla and CCI standard/target to the same point of aim. I brought an ammo can filled with CCI standard velocity ammo.

The standards from 25 Meters:

Stage 1
1 mag / 10 rounds
2 minutes

Stage 2
Start standing to fire from sitting
2 mags / 2 & 8
5 shots each target (2 targets)
55 seconds

Stage 3
Start standing to fire from the prone
2 mags / 2 & 8
3, 3, 4 shots per target (3 targets)
65 seconds

Stage 4
1 mag / 10 rounds
2, 2, 3, 3 shots per target (4 targets)
5 minutes

You can score 0, 3, 4, 5 points for each shot. Those points are doubled on Stage 4.

210-250 Expert (Rifleman)
170-209 Sharpshooter
125-169 Marksman
0-124 Unqualified

Stage 2 was the stage that had people failing to meet the time constraint.

I earned the “Rifleman” badge on the first day (also scored perfect on the Redcoat target).
Two thumbs up for Project Appleseed – the low price for two days of instruction and history can’t be beat. Plus the cost included an Appleseed t-shirt. Respect and thanks to the people who volunteer to run Appleseeds.
I shot an Appleseed event a few years ago. It seemed like a neat program, but TBH, I quit in the middle and went home. I was not properly prepared (no mat to lay on), and I'm too old and fat to be rolling around in a gravel pit in August's 100*+ weather.