1st Muzzleloader


New member
I am just about an hour away from being the winning bidder on an NEF Huntsman .50 SS M.L. on gunbroker.com.... Fitted with an Optronics 3-9x40 scope.
Can't wait to get it and start shooting.....should I use loose or pellet 777?
Some guys tell me to use loose....some tell me that they only use pellets.
That monster buck had better beware next fall and winter, I am coming. LOL
First, understand that I'm very fugile. The inconservative language: I'm cheap.
I can get more bang for my buck by shooting loose powder. On the range, I shoot loose and have hunted with loose before the pellets came out. The biggest advantage I see, is the eas of loading in a hunting enviroment. Then again, I have never timed myself against a pellet shooter or had the need to do so. You will also find that the more shooting you do, the more you will use loose powder. I do a lot of Tradition shooting and you will never find a traditional shooter using pellets. I have observed that In-Liners use more pellets and don't really shoot all that much. My teaching load is 40grns. of 777. My hunting load is usually 95grns. of 777.

I had one of these guns........very accurate and fun to shoot....I used pellets pirodex........and 295gr power belt bullets...............I use loose powder in my old hawken............
This weapon has the front fiber optic sight but the rear sight is missing. Can I buy one to replace the missing one? Where is the best place to search?
don`t know on the rear sight but as for loose powder verse`s pellets. my preference is loose. have shot deer out to approx. 120yds. or so using pellets. but for serious fine tuning a load for your m/l., loose for me. as Pahoo stated more traditional shooters tend to stick with loose as it would be hard to get a 95grn. load out of pellets. experimenting with loads is half the fun:D

go to marlinfirearms.com they have a link for H&R on there you can find the sights there, or just buy a scope.....the scope mount for that particuler gun is the same one for a ruger redhawk if you can't find the one for it...
Front loader should be here tomorrow. I bought American Pioneer FFG pre-measured 100 gr charges, 245gr powerbelts, and triple7 209's.
Can't wait to make some smoke.