1st Blackie...part 2


New member
Well, we took the second Black Bear this week. This time, it's my friend that gets to tag his first bear. On a 30yd shot, this old boar was taken with a .270 carbine, 150gr factory ammo. He was 182lbs, but could have been well over 200 if he wasn't so thin. No calling this time, just a good ol' fashioned spot and stalk.

Ironically, the bear rolled down the hill and fell to rest right in the middle of the skid road we were walking, I guess it doesn't get any easier than that!

Here's some pics:


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Bear meat is hit and miss. Depends on what they've been eating and how healthy they are. The little sow I took last week is pretty good. But this old guy is probably heading for the grinder for sausage. As for the yield, I got a freezer shelf full of meat off my 130lb sow.