1994 pre-ban


New member
Hey guys there seems to be alot of talk about a possible repeat of the assault rifle ban back in the day .
I am little young to remember what went on ? If another ban takes place what should we expect ?
Do they want everyone to turn in there guns ?
If it's like the last one (it probably won't be -- it will be much more restrictive and maybe even have some teeth) the following will hold true ...

You don't have to turn anything in. You can keep your semi-auto rifles and sell them to someone else, you can keep your "larger than 10 round" mags and sell them to others ... you can even continue to buy new most types of rifles, so long as a few cosmetic items have been removed. You just can't buy those things new (unless altered as described) after the ban goes into affect (throughout the 10 years of the last ban, prices went up on banned items but there was NOTHING that's wasn't easy to find).

I don't think our government will ever find the support or the political will to do a massive gun confiscation. And if they do it will cause many problems.

The way the eventual gun ban will work (if the anti's win their long term plan, and Heller decision is too weak to help us) is that one kind of gun at a time will be banned or restricted, affecting only new guns, making sure that existing guns get more expensive and the population gets used to not being able to buy firearms. Through attrition legal guns will slowly cease to be, as every gun stolen and then seized back by the police will become an "illegal gun" and not be returned to the population.

So if an AWB looks imminent, stock up on whatever is being banned.
There "will" be another assault weapons ban after the next election. Even McCain has given signals previously that he may be willing to sign an assault weapons ban if the language is "correct".

You can expect the prices of all existing assault weapons to go through the roof. Hi-Cap mags that hold over a number (determine by Congress) of rounds will be illegal and will be illegal to manufacture and sell. Existing hi-cap mags will be allowed to sell, but the prices will be $100.00 and sometimes more depending on the supply.

It is nasty to think about, but all 3 major candidates are proven to be hostile to our gun rights. There should be no comfort for anyone who supports McCain because he runs as a Republican, but he has huge liberal ideas.

Buy all you can now.

By the way, our current president Bush tipped his hat too early last year by signaling that he would be prepared to also sign an assault weapons ban. It turns out that Congress didn't intend to do anything with it, so Bush came out looking like a moron for even bringing it up.
I'm not debating with you, Firemax, because I don't have a crystal ball ... but not everything might be quite that bad. At least in the first few years.

Some full capacity mags did go up to $100 each and even more after 94 (about 100% mark up) but mostly you were only paying an extra $20 or $30 or so. Even after 10 years of the ban.

In the last days before the ban all of the mag companies went into production overdrive and produced a whole lot of product. So much that after the initial shock prices went almost back down to normal for awhile, then climbed back up. And stayed up, of course. And would have just kept getting worse.

The big deal is that unless we can include a sunset in the AWB or get it repealed at some point (I'm guessing there's not a lot of chance of either, depending on how restrictive it is) in a decade or two some things will be very, very hard to find. Maybe we can keep guns firing virtually forever, but in my experience mags only last so long.

I have 2 guns that take larger than 10 round mags (and if an AWB is coming, I will also find some way to get my AR) but I will find a few $100 to stock up on mags before it happens. Guess I'll have to take on a little credit card debt ...

that's why I always say NEVER NEVER sell a gun unless it's unreliable. Buy only those that you want to keep for the rest of your life. Go hungry before selling any of your guns, because from here on out it's going to get harder and harder to obtain them.