1991 Luby's Cafeteria survivor speaks


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I came across this testimony to what appears to be Congress by Suzanna Gratia-Hupp ,who was just having a meal ay Luby's with her parents one day in 1991.

IMO,she sends a clear and powerful message that IMO,we need to be reminded of today.

Its a very personal message from her. She believed in being armed. But she also believed in compliance with the law.She left her handgun locked in her car.

She describes being 12 feet from the killer ,thinking "I got this guy" and reaching for her purse,then remembering her gun was in the car.

She describes her father getting up and rushing the killer,and ending mortally shot in the chest.

She describes her mother's execution.

We are discussing schools and armed school staff.

IMO,its a bad idea to place armed teachers in the PRIMARY ROLE of school security.
IMO,it would be rare teachers who would train to the level of proficiency for that job.IMO,my guess would be at least 70% of LEO's do not train to that level.
The image of the solo teacher with a S+W Shield telling her class to"Stay here" as she becomes Bruce Willis or John Wicks and heads for the sound of the gunfire has some problems.(Though Jeanne A,New Life Church 2007 did just that)
And I don't think its realistic teachers will train in teams using cover and movement or a phalanx tactics as a team with other teachers.
No,I just do not think those are the side-job roles for a moderately competent teacher.
I think that vision is what those in opposition to armed teachers might see.

But put yourself into Susan's testimony.The helplessness and frustration of being 12 feet away and having an opportunity to stop the killing,and watching your father murdered.Later,her Mother was executed by the same killer,as she cradled her dying husband. Imagine that same helpless,unarmed experience at Sandy Hook.
No matter all the reasons we can dream up about what might be wrong with an armed teacher,in the moment,lets put the teacher in the Luby's scene as Susan describes it,but HAVING her Shield,or Glock 43,or Ladysmith.

IMO,that is the point of allowing teachers to be armed.


And,FWIW,there are focused training opportunities for school staff that include more than shooting skills,such as trauma response.

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I've read too many excuses that teachers won't have the mindset to defend themselves/students.
I call "hooey."
Teachers have too often changed their mindset quickly to defend students with their bodies or confront armed attackers completely unarmed.

I don't know why anyone gloms onto an idea of people as helpless and incapable. Time and again people have risen to the challenge. As protective as teachers already have show themselves to be, I bet they could change mindset on a dime. "Mama Grizzlies" might have nothing on mama profs.
3000 students at this school.
How many staff member?
Based on the schools I have worked in I am estimating 200+ staff members. Probably more.
Would 1% carry if given the option and training? That doesn't seem a ridiculously high number to me.
That still leaves a chance at having 2 extra people trained and armed.
HiBC---Powerful and appropriate.

The Luby's shooting was in 1991, have we learned nothing? Why isn't this brought up? (And thank you HiBC because you DID bring it up. I mean why isn't this brought up by the media? Point's to the fact they are deep into their narrative.)
The Anti-gunners seemed to project what’s in them on others.
I know that some people are negligent.
I know there’s a lot of downright Bad and Evil people out there.
There’s some incompetent people out there.

I also know that the majority of humans are smart capable and generally good. I’ve never had a problem with the average person owning a gun, because I know the average person is capable of owning one safely and responsibly.

I question anyone that automatically assumes that the average person will go bad with a gun in their possession. Someone like that is projecting what they view in themselves onto others.

I think the average person could end a rampage.
what about the children...

How about some basic building security like used at airports, courthouses, etc.

How about having all entrances and exits monitored?

How about demanding proper ID form all who enter the building.

This is a safety issue and not a gun issue.

How many police stations have been attacked by a gunman intent of doing harm?
I didn't click the link, but if it's the same video I saw a while back, Chuck Schumer curls his lip at her testimony. He was a representative then, but some things never change.
I also know that the majority of humans are smart capable and generally good. I’ve never had a problem with the average person owning a gun, because I know the average person is capable of owning one safely and responsibly.

I question anyone that automatically assumes that the average person will go bad with a gun in their possession. Someone like that is projecting what they view in themselves onto others.

I think the average person could end a rampage.

There's a general conception among many, including some gun owners who are ok with AWB laws, that most gun owners are bubba-hillbilly types that are going to go around half cocked, trigger finger itching.

I know a few folks like that, but not very many. Most gun owners are responsible, and even the country folk who would likely be stereotyped as being a "redneck" are quite familiar with safe firearms use, SD laws, etc.
I've read too many excuses that teachers won't have the mindset to defend themselves/students.
I call "hooey."
Doofus...I hope I did not give the wrong impression.I am not selling the teachers or other staff short.

We invest heavily in school fire protection,as we should. I've never heard of a modern school fire tragedy. It pays off.
In Colorado,its state law the school WILL meet the language needs of any student. Current global diversity in the schools means they will get an interpreter for Farsi,Portugese,whatever is spoken in countries refuges come from,etc.
They prioritize and afford whatever English as a Second Languge student needs that arise.
As the nation,and particularly the students in the news blame the NRA and AR-15's,it is my contention that the schools have not prioritized student safety as much as they prioritize language diversity,for an example. We might legitimately need to afford the language program.
We need to afford school security,also.Somehow.
IMO,primary security should be handled by two SRO's,who might be contractors...I don't mind them being older,but they need tobe in good enough shape to go tactical.And its not a position for an "On the job retired" LEO.

IMO,the kids deserve a serious first line of defense.

That takes nothing away from the teacher or staff who train and carry.IMO,some will train and carry because they refuse to be defenseless. I am in favor of giving the teachers the option and support.

Even a really good fighter pilot needs a wingman.The armed teacher is to defend his/ her self and flock.

IMO,its not appropriate to expect an aggressive tactical intervention from
Its not one or the other. Have both.
Doofus...I hope I did not give the wrong impression.I am not selling the teachers or other staff short.

Oh no, you're not. I didn't mean to imply that.

Back in 2013 before our local stupidness took over, I watched our glorious legislature grill a girl from CSU who had been assaulted and now carries. One of them reminded her that "her odds of defense even with a gun weren't good and she was endangering herself more by carrying."

I sat up and blinked.

What if they were talking to some poor kid who lived in a neighborhood that was high-crime and who went to a school district that had a low-graduation rate?
Would that representative also tell that kid "the odds are against you: don't try to make yourself better?"

I'm completely done with any philosophy that doesn't recognize the basic resilience of human beings. That rep should have congratulated her for doing whatever she could to never again be a victim.
I heard her speak in person once, She still gets a little emotional recounting the story (Who could blame her).

If she could do it all over again she'd have just broken the law and carried anyway. (Who could blame her)
I am a retired soldier in Lampasas county Texas
Suzanna Gratia-Hupp ran for state seat and we put her there

She is solely responsible for the current Texas Concealed carry law

I have been to many events where she spoke and many times run across her in her day to day activities here in central Texas.....I am not enamored by many citizens...certainly never any hero worship of celebrities or politicians...but she is indeed one of the very few Americans I hold in very high regard

She never wanted to be in politics.
After she succeeded in her single issue and started getting tired of all the other Texas fuss n fight over simple and obvious stuff ....like voter fraud...she bailed back to her successful civilian life

When we find some one like this we need to draft them into politics
My Aunt was in that Lubys that day. Back before she was the D.A. but did have some lower position in the courts at the time, cant recall what exactly. Anyway, due to her position she always carried a 38....in her car and at home, well because of the Texas laws at the time she was also stuck in that restaurant while that madman murdered all those people, unarmed and mad ass hell. Needless to say she strongly supports concealed carry to this day.