1988 oacp 1911


New member
I talked my friend out of this '88 Officers model 1911 that has been in his safe uncarryed and unfired for at least 8 years that I know of, had to sell 2 pistols to finance it but I consider it a fair deal at $850


I took it home and straight out to my range,it was grungy and the trigger had all kinda drag and crunch going on ,also that 3.5" barrel is unforgiving of wiggles but I was shooting at the rim of that cup and this was the first time I had ever shot this pistol, distance was 7 yrd.

then I took it down ,sprayed it with Kroil and took a nylon brush to everything and some compressed air until it was clean ,then lubed the contact points and putit back together all nice and shiny

I had a n Avenger style holster in my holster drawer for a Sig P6 and witha little work it works with the little colt and will serve until I can find one built for it.
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