1946 fabrica nacional de armas mexico DF


gm all, does any body know any thing about these riffles, i have found several postings about this riffle and those that have pics are different then the one that i have. please if any body can tell me what it is and what it might be worth would really help me out.
Sounds pretty interesting, my wife's from Mexico, might have to look into something like this.....

From http://www.archivingindustry.com/Militaryfirearms/dictionary-intro.pdf

Mexico. A distinctive mark of an eagle with a snake in its beak, perched on a cactus on an island in a lake, has been used on military firearms for many years. The device is usually enwreathed in oak and laurel. Marks on guns imported into Mexico generally take the form of an heraldic displayed eagle, and often also bear REPÚBLICA MEXICANA; indigenous products use a less formal mark, more traditionally Aztec, accompanied by FÁBRICA NACIONAL DE ARMAS – MEXICO D.F. Weapons used by Mexican insurgents may bear a Phyrgian Cap on a sunburst, accompanied by ‘R’ and ‘M’ or ‘R de M’. Inscriptions will be in Spanish.
OK, being your Mexican military rifle is made in 1946, I have to think you have a model 1936 Mexican rifle in 7x57 mauser. Mexico had used German made mausers for sometime and decided to make their own rifles in the 1930s. If your rifle's bolt has a knurled nob on its end that reminds you of one on a U.S. 1903 Springfield rifle, then it is a M1936. It is considered a small ring mauser, yet it has features found on a large ring 98 mause, such as the third locking bolt lug and etc. In short, its receiver/action is kinda unique and finding replacement parts for it is rather difficult. M1936 rifle was replaced with another made in Mexico design/made mauser in 1950s, so not that many of the m1936 rifles were produced.

However, the M1936 Mexican action was highly prized for building custom rifles at one time. Today, may pay over $400 for a decent 1936 mexican action. Got the $400 price from a recent inquiry on another internet gunsite a week or so ago. Have no idea what a good condition, still military, m1936 Mexican rifle would sell for. Suggest you post an inquirey on www.surplusrifleforum.com about your rifle. Gents at surplusrifle may give you a better answer than me.

Chuckle, I bought an excellent condition still military m1936 on an internet auction several years ago for $230. Auction company had it listed as a mystery mauser, cartridge unknown. Lucky for me, pics of rifle showed the knob on its bolt and since it is kinda a rare rifle, no one else monitoring the internet auction knew what it was, so I was about only one to bid on the rifle. Unfortunately, the Mexican crest had been removed from the receiver on mine, really hurting its collectors value.
Came across a few Mex receivers long time ago.No bolts.TheYugo bolt can be used,but,as I recall(its been 20 years ago)the length was not quite right forward of the locking lugs.The bolt face comes up nearly to the barrel seat on the diaphram.A slight counterbore in the barrel shank is necessary to clear the locking lugs on the bolt,and an extractor notch must be cut in the barrel shank.I do not recommend it unless you understand how it all comes together.

Done right,it works quite well.I have an FN commercial bolt sleeve on mine,and Timney trigger with safety.

My .257 Ackley is built on that action.I've been shooting it 20 years.

The action I'm looking at says 1941
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